Sunday, August 13, 2006

I've been tagged!

Mrs. Linebarger tagged me for this little survey. Here are my answers:

1. Five Things in the Freezer: A frozen washcloth. I suspect someone got a "boo-boo" and got some ice inside a cloth and threw the whole thing back in when they were finished! Ground turkey, raspberries, hotdog buns, coffee beans.

2. Five Things in the Closet: Lots of clothes that don't fit anymore. ;0) Pillows, my craft supplies, yarn that the kitty keeps getting out and a plastic ballet bar.

3. Five Things in the Car: My cell phone, paper, pencil crayons, books, and crumbs. It's actually pretty dirty in there right now.

4. Five Things in my Purse: Keys, receipts from 3 months ago, pens, post-it notes and a pretty hankie. :0)

5. Five Things in my Wallet: A blockbuster gift card, a Starbuck's gift card, various membership cards. Most of the grocery stores use them around here. Very obnoxious! Loose change and a nice spot for cash that is empty as usual!

Let me know if you want tagged too!

1 comment:

  1. Starbucks..can't do without that card!
    Decaf Latte please.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.