Friday, August 11, 2006

Summer Corners

When Clarice first shared her Summer Corners idea on her blog, I remember thinking, I don't really decorate for or celebrate summer all that much. I try and skip over the hot months as quickly as possible, to get to my favorite season, which is fall. After seeing her first summer corner it inspired me to slow down and enjoy the summer and I must say, in doing so, I have discovered lots of wonderful things to do to celebrate this fun time of year. So a big thank you to Clarice for making my summer so enjoyable. We are even planning a trip to the beach next June!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

~Sea Shell~

Sea Shell, Sea Shell,
Sing me a song, O Please!
A song of ships, and sailor men,
And parrots, and tropical trees,

Of islands lost in the Spanish Main
Which no man ever may find again,
Of fishes and corals under the waves,
And seahorses stabled in great green caves.

Sea Shell, Sea Shell,
Sing of the things you know so well.

~Amy Lowell

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

These photos were taken back in June when it was cool enough to sit on our back porch. The roses are from my garden.

~There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea. -Henry James

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank you for Summer

Thank you, God, for summer
With all its flowers gay,
And birds that sing, and green grass,
And butterflies that play
At hide and seek with clover,
And blossoms on the trees,
And sunshine bright, and showers,
And every cooling breeze.

Yes, thank you, God, for summer;
And always at my play
Help me, Thy child, remember
These gifts of Thine, I pray.


  1. Kelli, so many words can apply to these pictures but I guess I will have to limit it to three: lovely, charming, and simply adorable:) You indeed have captured the essence of summer in your home!

  2. Kelli, your 'summer corner' looks so beautiful and inviting...I would love sitting there with a cup of tea!

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Well, I absolutely loved your tea table picture. So fresh and lovely. And was that a back issue of Victoria magazine in the picture with the shells?? I do miss that publication!

    Kelli, isn't it great when another blogger can so inspire us? I'm glad you found the inspiration to enjoy your summer from Clarice. I also find wonderful ideas from your blog, as well as others. The pictures you shared today are, once again, stunning!

  4. After all my complaining about the heat I see how you are enjoying it : )
    I am no fan of Texas summer but guess that is my yankee blood coming through. I miss the ocean, the cool nights, and the green that stays even in August.
    I will have to look harder for things to enjoy about the summer, thanks Kelli for showing that side of it !

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hi,Kelli, thanks for stopping by my blog. It's been fun to get it together. My husband and I were in College Station this last April for The Texas School of Photography and had a blast with our first visit to Texas. However, the 80+ degree days with the same or higher humidity counts did take us a bit by surprise for April. I'm looking forward to checking in with you in the future.

  7. Kelli, your vignettes are truly lovely.
    Summer is my least favorite time of year. Celebrating simple and beautiful pleasures like these you are sharing helps. Thank you.
    Fall is my favorite time of year! Can't wait to see how you will celebrate it!

  8. I loved your seashell picture. I see blue and white often in your pictures. That always captures my eye.

  9. Oh Kelli I want to come over so bad!!!!!

  10. I just love the idea of little corners. Simply lovely!

    Oh yea I'm chomping at the bits already, I just love fall!!!!

  11. I see you have set out a cup for me and I"ll have a cookie and strawberry.
    Love that photo so inviting...
    Lovely post summer my favorite season!
    Let us slow down in wishing for fall ok!

  12. Kelli, Love your summer corners...very pretty! Thanks for sharing.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.