Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Desk Blotter

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Clarice, over at Storybook Woods made the prettiest desk blotter recently, and since I just got a new desk, I thought I would make one too. :0) It will come in handy for protecting the desk when we use our real ink pens.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I followed her directions, using wrapping paper for the base. I chose a beige with small flecks. For the pockets I used pink and white toile scrapbook paper. I slipped in cards, a bookmark and teabag that my friends have sent me.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank you for the great idea Clarice!


  1. I love it! Both yours and Clarice's are so pretty. Great idea. BTW, I bet you are loving your desk:)

  2. I forget to ask you something. You mentioned you and your girls use real ink pens. For some reason I thought you had done a post about that quite awhile ago but I'm not sure how far back to look. I was wondering because Miss Bonnie and I would like to start using one and I wanted to know if you liked it, is it easy, what would you recommend using to begin with?? Okay, enough questions:) THANKS!

  3. Hi Susan!

    Here is the link to a photo of our ink pens.
    I really like the glass ones. They write very smoothly. I was just talking to my friend Revee, from Country Roads about these pens today. She showed me her pen, that has a much thinner end than the wide ones I bought. The thinner ones make much smaller letters which is better.
    Here is where I ordered mine from. The lady who sells them is very friendly and helpful!
    I also ordered a more traditional one that I wouldn't recommed for young chidren, but I enjoy using very much. Good luck!

  4. very pretty Kelli, you did a great job. You are going to have so many fun hours writing at your desk.
    It looks like a great place to start writing out your family history

  5. Clarice will be so happy to see that she inspired you with her idea. She is such a sweetheart and really enjoys sharing with everybody. Both of you have made really nice additions to your desks. I think I need to just work on cleaning and organizing mine for now!

  6. How lovely! What a nice way to add a feminine touch to your desk.

  7. Great job Kelli and it looks perfect on you desk. You've inspired me to try making one too. I does look pretty easy.


  8. Martha Stewart who? When will you have your own tv show!! That is really pretty!!

  9. Your blotter turned a great...beautiful papers! Clarice passes on so many good ideas.

  10. Love it love it, I'm going to have to make myself one like that :)

    I always love your ideas and your pictures, thank you for sharing them with us :)

    Hope you're having a wonderful day,

  11. Very nice, I'm going to have to go visit Clarice! :0)


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.