Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A "Piola" Teacup (with a story of course!!)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We have a friend who is a missionary over in Central Asia. I can't give you the specific name of the country for her safety's sake. She spent a year over in the mostly muslim country and right before returning to the states, the girl who she stayed with for the year, became a Christian!!

My friend has been back in Texas going to a Bible translation school. She will be returning to Central Asia this coming February to be part of a team that will translate the entire Bible into their language. This project will take anywhere from 5 to 10 years!!

Anyways, she returned with this beautiful Piola teacup (pronounced Pee-ola) as a gift to Phillip and I. Since it doesn't have a handle, they hold it like I have shown in the picture below. They drink a weak black tea and add milk and either vegetable oil or butter to it. I asked her how much oil and she told me, "enough to see if floating on the top!!" LOL They drink it sweetened with sugar, unless they are having a large party and then it is unsweetened.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We pray for our missionary friend every morning during our devotions and this teacup will be a good reminder of the very important work she will be doing -- sharing the gospel with the people of Central Asia, and in their own language!!


  1. What a wonderful story. That is an awesome thing your friend is doing.

  2. Our missionaries really need our prayers. We also know people in other countries who are ministering there and they have such wonderful and sometimes scary stories to tell.

    Love that cup and what a special memory to go with it!

  3. In Tibet they drink hot buttered tea and it sure takes some getting used to.
    Praying for your friends as they work for the Lord in such a wonderful way.

  4. What a wonderful story,Kelli! I'm so glad to hear that your family prays for your missionaries everyday. They really do need our prayer support and encouragement. :)

  5. Kelli the cup is beautiful! Wish I could meet your friend! What a life! The sweetest part of the post is that you & Phillip pray for her!


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