Sunday, September 03, 2006

Our "Farewell To Summer" Tea

We had our "Farewell To Summer" Tea after church today. I served a Mushroom and Spinach Quiche, Cucumber Sandwiches, Cheese and Crackers and Deviled Eggs.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The decorations were simple. Vintage hankies for placemats and roses placed in Emily's miniature teaset.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We drank Cherry Friendship tea. It was nice and light.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Nothing says "summer" like strawberry shortcake, so that was for dessert!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is an idea I read in Sarah Ban Breathnach's "Simple Abundance."

On Labor Day weekend take fifteen minutes to write down all the things you wanted to do over the summer but never got around to. Put your list in an envelope. When you get your next year's calendar, paperclip the envelope to the first day of June and open it then.

We had some very nice suggestions for next year, although I have a feeling number four on the list is *not* going to happen. ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I will be packing up our summer decorations this week. We had a wonderful summer. Until next time.....

Summer is fading; the broad leaves that grew
So freshly green, when June was young, are falling;
And, all the whisper-haunted forest through,
The restless birds in saddened tones are calling,
From rustling hazel copse and tangled dell,
“Farewell, sweet Summer,
Fragrant, fruity Summer,
Sweet, farewell!”

~George Arnold


  1. Everything at your tea looks just lovely!

  2. The table is beautiful and the food sounds delicious.

  3. How perfectly elegant! I want to come to your house and have tea!
    Your blog looks beautiful ~ I love the Autumn colors!

  4. Kelli, I must tell you that I think you have the most wonderful ideas for your family. I think you are an awesome Mom and your children are very blessed to have you. I love how you appreciate and rejoice in the simple things in life, what a wonderful lesson for your girls. You are certainly an inspiration to a lot of us:)

  5. I meant to say children instead of girls!! Benjamin, too:)

  6. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Your summer tea looks lovely! What a pleasant Sunday afternoon that must have been.

    Kelli, the new autumn look of your blog is very nice. I love the new picture of you, as well. Looking forward to visiting here daily, as usual.

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Your summer tea looks lovely! What a pleasant Sunday afternoon that must have been.

    Kelli, the new autumn look of your blog is very nice. I love the new picture of you, as well. Looking forward to visiting here daily, as usual.

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Kelli, I do apologize for the double comments! Please delete the duplicate. Blogger is not being very friendly to commenters this morning.

  9. What a delightful sendoff for summer! I really like your list - especially item #4. :D

  10. Wow Kelli, I sure wish you were my neighbor.
    He we'll be home in November I may have to look you up and have some of that good Friendship Tea! :0)

  11. Your tea looked lovely ! I am sure it was enjoyed by all. What a good idea to use hankies for placemats.

  12. Thank you for your great inspiration! I'm putting a copy of your blog post on my August calender so I can be planning an End of Summer Tea in 2007. Hmmm? I guess I still could have one up until the 23rd of this month though, couldn't I?

  13. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I love it, wish I could have been at the party. Everything looked so pretty and the food as always, is to die for :)

    The List is a great idea, I should do that :)

    Thanks for always sharing such beautiful pictures Kelli :)

    Have a wonderful day,

  14. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I love those roses, what a pretty centerpiece.

  15. Oh Kelli I love it...Wish i was there!!! I love the new look of your blog too!!

  16. Just beautiful Kelli, and what a delightful way to end the summer season!!

  17. Love the new look of your blog:-) Well done!! Ooooh how I wish I could have had tea with you...everything looks so inviting and beautiful!!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.