Monday, September 18, 2006

~September Pleasures~

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Sarah Ban Breathnach has some wonderful ideas in many of her books for celebrating the seasons.

~Celebrate the first day of fall with a festive dinner of homestyle cooking. Bring home a small pot of mums for your dining table. Light the candles and enjoy the simple pleasures of comfort food.

~Pack away your swimsuit and bring out your woolen sweaters and shawls. Do you have a favorite sweater?!

~Start making your Christmas list this month so that you won't be frantic in December.

~Take a walk under the harvest moon.

~Look at the farmers' markets for dried flowers to create your own bouquet. Creating your own bouquet on a September Sunday afternoon is a relaxing project that reminds you all winter long that spring will eventually return.

Do you have a favorite autumn treat? Perhaps roasted pumpkin seeds, candy corn, popcorn balls or caramel apples. Why not pick up the ingredients the next time you are at the store, and spend an afternoon baking.

~Heat up a pot of apple cider for an autumn cup of cheer, especially delightful after raking leaves!

~Make a list of "10 things I want to do this fall." I'm going to be working on my list this week so be sure to share any of your Autumn Pleasures with me!

Photo can be found at


  1. Oh, Kelli! We actually have a little Harvest Moon party - we sit on the front porch and sing "Moon" songs (I see the moon, shine on harvest moon, and more), eat round foods (hard-boiled eggs and tangerines - it's a Chinese tradition), and drink hot chocolate. My kids love it!

  2. I like her Simple Abundance books and Mrs. Sharp (I think) ~ some great ideas...

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    LOL, we'll not be packing away the swimsuits here quite yet, but I LOVE the idea of making a list of 10 things I want to do this autumn!! I'm working on that one this week.

  4. I LOVE Sarah's Simple Abundance! Have read it 3 times already cover to cover! A great gift for anyone who is stuck as we all sometimes get.

  5. Packed my swimsuit away about a month ago! lol Love the idea of making a list for Autumn...will try to make one too:-) Hugs!

  6. Thanks for sharing these ideas. I may just have to try some of them.
    I love fall.

  7. Thanks for the great ideas Kelli. I get so busy with 'chores' that I sometimes forget these more important pleasures. Debbie


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