Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"This and That" in the Kitchen

Last Friday we had a get-together with church friends. 14 people RSVP'ed. I made food for 20 and 7 actually came!! I made a big pot of white chili, cornbread and various munchies. 5 of our guests were guys and this spinning candy tray was very popular. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My family arrived Saturday afternoon. My sister, who lives several hours away called to say she was having contractions. Later that evening, my parents headed down to her place. Of course her contractions had stopped by the time
they arrived! ;0)

Sunday came around and we still had a ton of food left over from Friday night. Phillip called me from church and said "How many people can I invite over for lunch?" I am so thankful my sister is visiting with me. We put another leaf in the table, set it with the good china, made some fresh cornbread, warmed up the chili and squeezed 9 of us around the table! It was so fun and we had a wonderful afternoon visiting.

Here is a picture of all the dishes we washed afterwards. It really didn't take that long....maybe 40 minutes. Now I can't promise you that they are all clean. ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I did a little rearranging in the kitchen. I had various tea dishes on the counter of my piesafe hutch. It wasn't getting much use so I changed it into a "baking center" for the girls and Benjamin. I set out their cookbooks, along with a mixing bowl, and baking utensils. They love it! Grace made Garlic and Cheese Monkey Bread for our dinner last night. Recipe coming soon!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. That pile of dishes would have done me in! I don't know how you manage all the entertaining.
    I love the little area you set up for the kids. Can't wait to see the recipe.

  2. So glad you had a great time of fellowship, and how nice to have your sis's help!! :0)


  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    What fun! Love that spinning candy tray...what a neat idea!


  4. Kelli!!! I have been SO out of the loop visiting your place. For some reason, my bookmark kept loading me to your September 10th posting!! I was starting to think something was wrong... wondering if you and your family were okay! LOL! Finally, I wised up and clicked on "refresh" and here are all these entries! Well, I will have to look them over after school today. I will be starting a letter to you soon. I had to finish writing my birthday thank-you's.

    So, sorry I've been out of touch... but I'm glad you're all well! :)

    You are inspiring me to try some more entertaining myself. Well... at least I'm THINKING about it a bit more, anyway! :) I do better with smaller, more intimate groups, but I do think I ought to stretch myself.

  5. Anonymous12:01 PM

    The garlic & cheese monkey bread was wonderful. I think Grace and Emily should make more. Like, tonight!

  6. Thanks for the update! How fun that you made a baking center for your kids! I bet they'll have lots of fun helping in the kitchen. :)

  7. Kelli, what a wonderful idea to have a baking center for your children. It is not only functional but also darling, as well! What a blessing to have so many friends to fellowship with! BTW, that was a LOT of dishes!! Looking forward to the monkey bread recipe!

  8. Thank goodness you were able to get more people over the next day to eat up all the leftovers:-) After my mom's party I had so much food left over (I had made enough for an army! lol) and gave tons away to friends and neighbours! Sounds like you really had a fun time, even with all those dishes!! Hugs!

  9. Hey, that looks like meal time at a Mennonite home when there has been one family come over for supper !


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