Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"Sew" Happy!

The girls and I got some sewing done this past Labor Day weekend. We are huge fans of Laura Ingalls Willder and the girls have been wanting “Mary and Laura” pinafore aprons. I decided to be brave and get out the pattern my friend Revee loaned me. I have to admit to not being able to follow the directions at all. I saw words like bias, interfacing and buttoned yoke and I started feeling a little dizzy!! I will learn what those words mean someday, but in the meantime, my girls just wanted some simple aprons. Grace chose a pretty blue calico print.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Emily liked the pink gingham fabric. Those “puckers” you see around the armholes and neckline are actually
“mini ruffles.” ;0) Grace and Emily are very happy with them and that’s all that matters!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Benjamin isn’t interested in any sewing business but he did want to share what he made at Home Depot this past Saturday. He loves going to his woodworking class. He recieves a new badge on his apron everytime he makes something new. The birds will have a nice home to build a nest in next spring!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I also made myself a fall apron. It is lined in red fabric which makes it feel more sturdy. I had a little fabric leftover. I could either make 4 large napkins or 8 small ones. 4 napkins don’t do me any good around here so I went for the smaller size! I am happy to report that almost all of them ended up the same size. That is a good thing. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I’m going to make some new pillow covers for the furniture on my back porch. I couldn’t resist this fabric on the $2.00 table. The beige and burgundy will be for the large cushions and I will be able to use them all the way through Christmas and the winter months. The only thing I will change out are the throw pillows. I got the leaf print for those. Oh, and for those of you who are keeping track, I ripped out 1, 858 stitches this weekend. ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Next up: A fall wreath and flower arrangment for my entry table.


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Benjamin is so handsome! He looks so proud. I see so much in common between Jacob and him. Cute little cousins. :o)

    I love the style of those pinafore aprons, and love your fall one as well.

  2. The girls look delightful in their pinafores and Well done! to Benjamin - the bird's nesting box is great. I love the fabrics you've chosen for your pillows - such wonderful, warm autumn colours.

  3. All 3 of them look so cute in their aprons! Benjamin did a good job on that bird box.

    Your sewing sounds about like mine. I've been wanting to ask if your napkins were all the same size. LOL. Mine never are either.

  4. All three aprons look great! I bet the girls will love thiers and want to wear them often. I didn't see any puckers - just pretty in-seam ruffles!! :D Please tell Benjamin I like his birdhouse.

  5. My 12 year old is learning to sew in school. I am not good with my hands at all. You have done a wonderful job.

  6. Wow you have been busy!!
    The girls lookd lovely in their aprons and Benjamin has made one wonderful birdhouse!

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Love all of those, what great aprons you made, and look at Benjamin so proud ;)

    I can't wait to see the pillows you make with the fabric, it's gorgeous :)

  8. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Love the aprons and birdhouse. I don't follow direction either. I learn by doing things. And yes I have to rip sems out too. :) That is all part of learning.

  9. Wow, you had a blast it looks like! Wish I could've been there, too :) I just bought some fabric at Walmart last night to try a peasant type skirt! I'm not sure if it will be wearable when I'm thru with it, but I'm sure hoping! hehe

    I love the girls' aprons, and you son's birdhouse came out great it looks like!


  10. Great job Kelli! The girls look so cute and as you said, they're happy with those aprons and that's what counts.

    Benjamin did a great job on that birdhouse too. It's wonderful he's so interested in woodworking at such an early age. Good for him!

    Your apron looks so good and fall-like. That's a good idea to use the leftover fabric for napkins. Keep on sewing Kelli!

  11. Kelli, the more you sew the easier it will become. I am sure Revee would love to help you out with those weird words. Don't faint on us... =)

    The aprons looked wonderful and you can tell that Benjamin did a fine job on that bird house.

  12. The girls aprons are just darling. I love the fall material you have for yours! Tell Mr. Benjamin that he did a "mighty fine job" on his bird house and I know the birds are going to be so happy because of his hard work:)

  13. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Good for Benjamin!! His bird house is great!

    Congratulations and job well done on the sewing front. Your aprons all turned out so lovely. I really like the fabrics you've chosen for your porch covers, too. Be sure to post pictures of the final results!!!

  14. Kelli,

    Really darling! :) Beautiful aprons - your's and the girls'. And Benjamin looks so grown up and manly (such a serious face)!

    My sewing skills match yours... the straight line is about it for me and the instructions are like reading a foreign language. Ah, well... we forge ahead anyway, don't we?

    I like your idea of seasonal pillows. Now pillows are my speed. I think I may have to get some autumn-y fabric!

    I wonder if you could e-mail me and give me instructions on outlining the photos you put on your blog. I'd like to try that from time to time.

    I just posted my fall wreath this morning. Come over for a visit and have a look!

    Your friend,

  15. The girls are so cute in there new aprons and they remind me of the girls on Little House On The Prarie

  16. The aprons look wonderful !
    I am sure the girls will enjoy them so much.
    Benjamin looks pretty happy with his birdhouse.
    Fall fabric is so warm and inviting looking.

  17. Wow, you are so crafty--I am very impressed with the girls aprons!


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