Friday, September 08, 2006

A Special Friend

Have you ever made a new friend and it feels like you've known each other forever? Let me tell you about my friend Tina. We met online less than a year ago, but I know that when we meet in person someday (hopefully soon!), we are going to have such fun hanging out together. She always makes me smile, well, actually laugh out loud! She has a wonderful sense of humor!

I got a surprise in the mail this week.

Tina sent me this beautiful cornicopia pumpkin lantern, along with the pretty fall leaves and vegetables. I love how the lantern looks all lit up.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

She also sent me a sweet wren teatowel (she knows I love birds!), three books for me to read to the girls and Benjamin. We read Henry Huggins earlier this year and loved it. She sent the sequel and also two books about Ramona, the neighbor girl, two postcard art books for our schoolwork, a pumpkin cookie candle that smells amazing, fall leaf post-its, pens and candy. Well, the candy is all gone. ;0) There is one lonely wrapper in the dish!

One of my favorite gifts is the cute pumpkin teacup. Tina got one for herself too so we can be reminded of each other while we drink tea. :0) I have already enjoyed a cup of "Constant Comment" in mine!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Speaking of Tina's wonderful sense of humor, she sent three more special things. Can you spot them in the photo? Hehehe. Grace, Emily and Benjamin say "Thank you Miss Tina! We love our new teeth!"

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts, Tina! I love everything and you really made my day! You are such a thoughtful friend and I am so thankful to have met you!


  1. What an exciting parcel to have opened. The pumpkin lantern and the leaves make a lovely centrepiece on the table, a really evocative autumnal look.

  2. Thanks for sharing the wonderful gifts your friend Tina sent to you!

  3. How pretty! I LOVE the lantern. I don't think I've seen one like it before! And the pumpkin mug is fun. I may have to hunt one down, myself!

    And your children look so.. um... atrractive... in their teeth! :) LOL

    What a sweet gift. I have a friend who is "gifted" that way as well. According to the book "Love Languages," some of us express our love through gifts. I think I am a "quality time" love person, but you can always spot a "gift giver" right away!

    It's obvious your friend Tina loves you! What a kind and thoughtful present.

  4. How sweet of miss Tina, she is a special person. I got a tea towel too : )

  5. What a blessing!

  6. Anonymous8:56 PM

    What great gifts!! Thank you for sharing the pictures with us! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Kelli, I love the picture of them with their new teeth!

  8. Anonymous9:15 PM

    What a lovely friendship you have discovered!! Love the teeth. My sweet Dani, believe it or not, wore those when she was maid-of-honor in her friend's wedding. To the rehearsal, not the actual wedding; but it sure cracked everyone up!!!

  9. Kelli you are way too kind. I am glad everything made it there safe and sound. Ben-j-man needed those teeth a week ago when he was feeling bad. LOL. They look, well down right pittyful, lol!! See ya at OFT!...Love ya!

  10. We should all be so lucky to have friends like this!


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