Saturday, September 09, 2006

Saturday, September 9, 06

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

~I am hearing...Faith Hill's "Cry" CD

~A Thought Crossing my mind...I should go to bed. ;0)

~What I did today...Used my Starbuck's gift certificate on a Frappachino.

~On My Desk...Two letters I recieved today.

~The Children are...Sound asleep.

~I Awoke to...Grace wanting to snuggle.

~In The Piesafe...Banana Bread

~In the Tart Burner...Pumpkin Spice

~Tomorrow In Brief...Church and Sunday dinner.

Photos can be found at


  1. It sounds to me like all is right in your world.

  2. Dear Kelli..Just spotted you on Sabine's site [one beautiful lady that one is!!] but I am going out now.
    I will read your blog later..It looks so good!!'
    I am a Southern Ontario girl, myself from Welland..
    I quickly read you profile.
    I just got a dvd by the same author as the Secret Wallmart. haven't had the time to watch it yet though...
    Sometimes not enough hours in the day to do everything..
    Have a blessed Lord's Day!!! From Teresa Anne Shirkie

    Be sure to visit Maggie-ann's site. She is a kindred spirt!!

  3. I am SOOOO ready for some banana bread, HELLO fall! They *finally* went on sale for .25 cents a pound and I bought like 16 lbs. last night...ROFL!!! They are usually .79 cents per lb.

    However, in our house 16 lbs. is nothing, in order to have some for smoothies, I cut them in half, wrap in saran wrap and freeze..that is the only way to keep em.

  4. I am ashamed to admit it but I think I'm the only one on the planet who has never been to a Starbucks:) We just got one in our town so I guess I need to see what all the excitement is about. What is a frapachino(sp?) anyway?? Do you really have a pie safe? My great grandmother had one and I always wanted one for my home.

  5. I haven't been to a Starbucks either.

  6. Terry,
    Thank you for visiting! I love the Hallmark version of the Secret Garden. You'll have to let me know what you think of it!

    Jammy, what a great way to store your bananas! They go quickly around here. Benjamin eats two every morning for breakfast. LOL

    Susan and Dot, I think Starbucks is very overpriced. I like the 79 cent hot coffee drinks at the gas station just fine. :0) Susan a frappachino is an iced coffee drink. I "kind of" have a piesafe! LOL I would love to have a real antique one someday but for now my version will have to do. If you click on the "kitchen" link on the right side of my blog there is a picture!


  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Since Starbucks changed the way they make Frappucinos, the frozen coffee drinks at QT are about as good, and for less than a dollar instead of three dollars.

    Without a gift card, we certainly wouldn't have chosen Starbucks!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.