Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 06

Five years ago, I was recovering from gallbladder surgery. My mom was in town to help me with things and we decided to watch the news before starting our day. Little did we know, that the news was going to be so horrifying.

Here are some scrapbook pages I made shortly after 9/11. I remember being scared when we took a simple trip to the grocery store to get the newspaper for these clippings.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I printed out a timeline of the day and also the President's "Address to the Nation."

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Please say a prayer for all those who lost loved ones that day and for the brave men and women who sacrifice so much to serve our country.

We will never forget.


  1. I think everyone does a lot of thinking and remembering on this day. Thanks for showing your scrapbook pages.

  2. Remembering with you.......

  3. Kelli that was smart thinking to do that...this will be very valuable to your children one day.


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