Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 06

Good Morning! I took several things off my to-do list and plan to spend the rest of the week sewing, cooking/baking and visiting with friends. Oh, and laundry, but there is always laundry! :0)

I hope I'm not the only one with a linen closet that looks like this alot of the time. The blankets get used for forts and picnics and it's hard to keep track of them. I'm just happy when I don't pull one out all covered with dried grass! I did find one with alot of scotch tape on it though..hmmmm....

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It only took about 20 minutes to tidy things up. I have a trick about those obnoxious fitted sheets with the elastic. Roll them into a ball and hide them under the flat sheet. Works every time!! ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is a photo of my favorite fall thing. It is a picture my mom painted for me in 1991. Can you see my dream barn in the distance. The 100 year old farmhouse with the wrap around porch is right behind it. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I was looking for the perfect spot for it last night. I moved our fake tree to the other side of the china hutch and hung the picture on the left. Moving the tree over made the room feel and look so much more spacious!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thanks for looking!


  1. I have a tip for those pesky fitted sheets. I fold the flat sheet up and one of the pillowcases and then I try to fold the fitted sheet as best I can. I then stuff it all into the other pillowcase. Thus giving you all you need to change the sheets in one bag! Works like a dream and keep everything together.

  2. You whipped that linen closet into shape in no time. Looks great.
    Your mom is a fantastic artist. I love that painting. It looks like it beckons you to walk that road.

  3. I've got some areas of my house that need tidying and organising too and I've kept putting it off. Last night I decided to just do one thing a day so I don't feel so overwhelmed. It feels good to get things done, doesn't it?

    I just *love* to colours in your dining room!

  4. Wow ~ your Mom is really talented! And what a wonderful keepsake...
    As for your linen closet ~ I think that is one of those never~ending battles to keep neat. Around here I am known as the "Laundry Fairy."

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    LOL about the blankets and such in the linen closet being used for forts, etc!! Wow, you are crossing things off your "to do" list like crazy - Good for you!!! I love the way things look by your hutch, the tree in the corner and the painting your mom did on the opposite side looks just right!

  6. Kelli, I love that painting and what a treasure that your Mom did it for you. I think it looks wonderful where you hung it. I do the same thing as Renae on my sheets. It helps keep sets together and no one sees my fitted sheets. Some of them don't turn out bad at all, but others.....

  7. Love your new template! So fallish!

    Good work on the closet; beautiful painting by your mom!

  8. Oh gosh, I remember my linen closet looking like that when my boys were children:-) What great tips I'm finding on here regarding how to store sheets!! Love the painting your mom did, what a treasure that will be to keep throughout the years...looks great where you put it! Hugs!

  9. Great job on the linen closet, you're a fast worker. :o)

    Your mom is quite the talented artist --- wow! I love the picture she painted. It looks good in the dining room, too. I also really like the wall colour in there too. It looks like butterscotch. :o)

  10. Thank you for the tips on storing the sheets. The pillowcase idea is great!

  11. Your mother's painting is beautiful! So now we know where you get your talent.

  12. Thank you Dot. *blush*

  13. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Hi Kelli, I love the fall picture!

    Tracy from Seaside Enchantment

  14. Your Mom is such a wonderful artist and now we all know how you came to be so talented:) The rearrangement of your dining room is just perfect. BTW, I do the "pillowcase" trick like Denial. I gave up on trying to figure out Martha's way a Loooonnng time ago! LOL

  15. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I had to laugh at your tip about the fitted sheets! Too funny! They are aggravating.


  16. What a beautiful picture your mom painted. Did you get her talent? I like the idea about the sheets and your dining room looks very inviteing, visit Lavender and lace when you have time.

  17. Anonymous3:19 AM

    You are such a generous mother and know what is important and not - an inspiration!

    Ann Marie


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.