Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....

The wonderful rain we had last week made our flowers perk right up, but unfortunately the weeds did too!! This box is supposed to be for compost but it ends up storing weeds. I pulled eight grocery bag fulls today!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

This is my least favorite place in our yard. In our neighborhood, the garages are in the back and we use an alley to get to them. Along our fence grows Jasmine. A few years ago, a large part of it died and I've been trying to get it to grow back ever since. I spent quite a bit of time this morning getting rid of the weeds.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is what it looks like now. A little better. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I harvested my rosemary, sage, thyme, lemon balm, and oregano this afternoon and hung it in the kitchen. It smells really good in there. Grace said it made her hungry!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I'm glad to be back inside where it is cooler. Now to get all the dirt from under my fingernails!


  1. I always find it funny how weeds will grow like crazy but not our flowers! lol You certainly did a great job cleaning out that path!! What an exciting time for you, expecting your parents over when you haven't seen them in a couple of years!! We'll all look forward to pictures and hearing all about it:-) Hugs

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Your compost pile must be wonderfully good for those bountiful weeds! Our compost pile is HUGE and we get all sorts of wonderful things growing there, including a rogue tomato plant!!

  3. I think I found your blog one day through my mother's (Sabine) blog. I love the look of drying herbs hanging. Must smell heavenly!

  4. And I thought I did good just getting my containers and gardens watered today. Whew! You go Girl!!!

  5. Your herbs look so pretty hanging in your kitchen!

  6. Anonymous7:36 PM

    LOL! I am Amy's mom and just wanted to comment that I love the look of drying herbs hanging. She beat me to it.

  7. Wow, you've been busy, busy!! Your garden area looks lovely and so do the hanging herbs. :)

  8. Sounds like you are working on that list of things you want to get done. Keep going, you are doing a great job!!!

  9. Amazing how fast weeds will grow. Everything looks so nice and tidy from your hard work.
    The herbs drying look great. It makes the home seem so homey to have things drying in the doorways

  10. It sounds like you worked very hard today.

  11. Don't wear yourself out! I like the drying herbs too.

  12. Kelli it looks great & I love the herbs!

  13. Hi Pea, you are right about those weeds! Yes, I am really excited about my family coming!

    Copper's wife, I get wild sunflowers, violets and basil plants popping up in mine. :0)

    Amy, thank you for visiting! The herbs do smell great!

    Mary, my muscles are feeling it today. Ouch!

    Thank you Susan!

    Hi Sabine, it is so neat that you and your daughter both blog!

    Thank you Revee!

    Marci, I'm slowly making my way through the list. I did make it a little shorter though. :0)

    Patty, the room does seem more cozier with the herbs hanging.

    Thank you Lori, Dot and Tina!!

  14. Hi Kelli!!
    I thought about you this evening... I was pulling weeds!! LOL!! We had a really good rain yesterday and up they came!!!

    Mrs. U


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