Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Day at Storybook Ranch

This past Saturday, our family headed out to Storybook Ranch. Phillip's mom (Nana) joined us. We were greeted with apple cider, tractors, pony rides, pumpkins and this gorgeous Victorian House. It wasn't open for a tour, but it sure would have been fun to peek around. Maybe stay a few nights. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

There was plenty of cold apple cider to go around.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Emily is testing out a saddle. The rides *with* a horse attached were rather expenisve!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It was a mighty fine day for a tractor ride.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

As if the pumpkin patch wasn't enough fun, there was more entertainment up ahead, just past the beautiful creek.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Welcome to the western town that consists of 15 buildings, hand-constructed with period architecture and antiques. What a perfect place to visit after our Prairie Day experiement!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Tucked around tall trees was the sweetest church. Can you see the little smoke stack? Dot, I thought of you when I saw it.:0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Inside the general store was a wonderful cookstove, along with all the supplies you would need to stock your prairie kitchen.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The town came alive with a gunfight show on Main Street. It was a little too real for Benjamin, he wasn't sure about getting his picture taken with the "bad" cowboy! Nana was brave though!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We had a nice lunch under the pine trees and ice cream cones finished off the meal.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Our fun day ended with a ride on a horse and wagon, just like Laura and Mary!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thanks for looking!! See y'all next time! ;0)


  1. OOOO, the girls and I are jealous!!! :D

    It looks like y'all had a lot of fun there. We pass Storybook Ranch a lot and the girls always talk about the house we can see from the street. Now I KNOW I'll have to take them someday. :)

  2. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Wow! What a neat 'field trip'...looks like lots of fun. I'm so glad you all had a good time!
    And thanks for your sweet words about our home. We do love our little haven! It's a very special house, and in fact, I've been working on a post about it!
    Hope you have a great rest of the week!

  3. That looked like a fun day, Kelli. I loved the Victorian house. Too bad you couldn't look inside and take some pictures.

    The western town looked interesting, too. Loved the old cookstove. :o)

  4. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Looks like a fun time had by everyone! Thanks for sharing the great pictures...blessings to you and yours..

  5. I'm slowly making my way through the blogs and catching up on all the posts I missed while I was away!! Oh wow, what a wonderful day you had at the Storybook Ranch and the weather certainly looked perfect!! I love places like that, they are so much fun!! Love all the pictures too:-)

  6. That sounds like a really fun day out for everyone and it looks a very pretty place too.

  7. Kelli that looks like sooo much fun!! What a pretty place. My boys would have loved going to a place like that..me too!! gLAD YOU SHOWED US THE PICTURES!

  8. Nice pics! Looks like a good time!

  9. How fun!!! What a neat place to be able to go to. Is it close to where you live?

  10. It sure sounds and looks like you had a fun day.

  11. Oh, I just admired the wonderful parcel you sent to dawn. What a nice idea you had and - wow, you got 51 comments!!! What a pity, I missed this game... why havn't I been to your nice blog before ;-))

    As I am usually very very busy in the garden during spring and summer times, I just enjoy the autumn as a kind of "slow-down" period, for myself as well as for the nature.

  12. How much fun Kelli, I love the pictures, looks like everyone had a blast :)


  13. What a delightful place to spend the day with your children! Your pictures show the joy on their faces!

  14. Looks like you all had such a beautiful day! What a charming place; they must know how many people love things like that. Looks like you had perfect weather for it too... though... was is pretty warm with COLD apple cider instead of warm? A typical Texas autumn day? ;)

  15. Anonymous11:57 AM

    This looks like such fun! We are Texas transplants too, can you tell me where Storybook Ranch is?

  16. Hi Michele,
    Storybook Ranch is located in Mckinney. Here is their website for more information.
    It's a really neat place!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.