Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday Dinner

I was doing a little Martha Stewart "table setting" this week. Her latest October issue has a pretty setting involving a Cinderella/Fairytale pumpkin. Since Cinderella is my favorite Disney movie, I thought I should get one! Benjamin asked me when I was going to turn it into a magical carriage. I don't think even Martha can do that! ;0)

In her picture, the napkins looked really neat underneath the plate, slightly off the table. When I tried it, they looked like they were barely hanging on!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I tried the good old "napkin on the plate" stand-by and was happier with the look.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Even though I enjoy decorating and making my home look pretty, it doesn't always happen, and that's ok. What I enjoy even more is opening up our home for old and new friends. Long before the days of our pretty china, crystal glasses, silverware and linen napkins, Phillip and I were having friends over for dinner on a regular basis. In fact, we started the week we got back from our honeymoon! We used to entertain with whatever dishes we had in the cupboard, matching or not. I don't even remember what they looked like and I'm sure our friends don't either.

What I *do* remember are bbq's on our deck, my Nana coming over for tea and making my first pie for her special visit and Christmas parties that lasted far into the night. Lots of talking and laughing. I may have told some knock-knock jokes. ;0) Dessert was often ice cream, served with a bottle of Hershey's syrup. Come to think of it, I still serve it. Who doesn't like ice cream?!!

For the past few months, I have been making an effort to have a nice Sunday dinner. I plan my menu on Friday, get the ingredients and make most of it on Saturday. This week was Baked Ziti, Salad, and French bread (store-bought).

Here are some real life (non Martha!) pictures of our dinner, earlier today.

No time to get out the good china today. Food tastes the same on everyday dishes anyways!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I put the baked ziti in the oven when we got home from church. It went fast with 7 adults and 5 children!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It was a little chilly outside so the kids had a "indoor picnic" in the schoolroom.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

While the ziti was baking, I made a pan of rice krispie treats. I couldn't tell who liked them more...the grownups or kids!
There was also butternut bread from earlier in the week.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It is often difficult to get a hold of people during the week, to invite them over. We have had great success with waiting until Sunday morning, seeing who is hanging around after the service, and asking if they have any lunch plans. Most of the time, the answer is no, and that they would love to come over.

Let brotherly love continue. Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for in doing so, some have entertained angels without knowing it. ~Hebrews 13:1

Do you have some friends you could invite over this coming week, or maybe a couple you'd like to get to know better?


  1. Kelli - thank you so much for this post! I am too delight in hospitality, but often times I feel like everything has to be perfect before we can invite folks over. Since life isn't often perfect, especially with my liver problems and active kiddies, we don't exercise Biblical hospitality as often as we should. We do take folks out for lunch on Sunday, but I should remember to keep things simple and just inviet them home. My mom was such a great example - she threw a roast in the oven with veggies around it and dragged home every new face that showed up at church!

  2. I too am ... must proofread more carefully!

  3. I love the table settings and the china! Beautiful!!!

  4. In the mennonite church, a couple families are assigned to have extra food available for visitors and invited to come over for the afternoon meal. Its a wonderful way to get to know people and also to practice hospitality.

  5. Beautiful table setting, but I love the "real" pictures even more! ;o) Too often we drool over the "perfect" and forget to be real! Great words on hospitality - you inspire by your example.

  6. Kelli, what a wonderful post on hospitality. You are so right that your guests probably didn't remember your table setting but what they did remember was your warm hospitality and the wonderful time they had visiting in your home. I love the idea about Sunday dinner invitations:) I'm sure you are making a lot of people very happy!

  7. Your table looks lovely and the food sound scrumptous!Hope you have a lovely week!

  8. Hi Kelli,
    Came here from Dawn's this morning.
    Your table looks very inviting. I also love to entertain and enjoy seeing new ideas! I'll be back again!

  9. Great post Kelli. We all need that reminder that things can be just like everyday and not perfect. Sometimes those are the best times of fellowship. I love your Sunday dinner idea!!!

  10. Wonderful post, Kelli! You are right - it doesn't really matter what we serve, how we serve or what our dishes look like - what matters is taking the time to share with others and enjoying our friendships. :)

  11. What a great post! We enjoy having company, but I don't prepare enough in advance! How nice to invite people over on the spur of the moment. It's happened to us off and on, and it is always such a nice feeling to get invited over!

  12. Hi Kelli
    I dropped over here via Dawn's. Nice to meet another "Canadian" blogger! we love to have people over every Sunday - we usually do a brunch but last week we had the whole praise team over - including 4 hungry young men - so we had a "Make your won sub" lunch - plus veggies, chips, and pickles - with baked fudge bars for dessert - a simple meal - with lots of time for fellowship!

  13. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Kelli - I'm just catching up with everyone (or trying to) after being down for a week. I just wanted to tell you how wonderful the Sunday dinner plans sound! We live about an hour from our church, and most of the folks that attend with us; but I'm still thinking that inviting a family over at least once a month would be wonderful!!! Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement.

  14. Kelli i have that issue of MS in my bedroom! I save all my fall magazines every year...your table looks better than hers! Funny you talking about friends & food & all...I think it was you & Sandra that talked about Emilie Barnes...well I got one of her books, "Home Warming". It is saying very much the same things you are talking about. You & her just might be kin! When are you writing your book & doing your TV show?!! I think of you every time I pass my's where my wagon is sitting sending out the best FALL SMELLS!! Love ya!

  15. I like the idea of preparing a large meal even with no one invited... yet. It's nice to know that you are already prepared for company and are freely ready to invite!

  16. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Your table is lovely! Such a great post too..alot of great ideas. Your menu sounded so yummy! Enjoy your day..blessings..

  17. Wow, I wish we lived near you!! Your home is so beautiful and your food looks sooo good- I can almost smell it!!!!

    And you know... I've come to learn that the site of a bunch of dishes all stacked up to be washed is a beautiful site. You've just dined with many people that you love and care for! What a blessing!!

    Mrs. U

  18. I love this post, especially the pic of the dirty dishes, lol! We changed to inviting people over after the evening service for dessert when the kids were young. Only one of us could go to the service since someone had to be home with the sleeping babies. Whoever stayed home tidied up and put the coffee and tea on. We would invite whoever was around and would try to invite people we hadn't had over before. One of our friends would usually bring his guitar and we'd even sing together. It was great fun!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.