Friday, October 20, 2006

The Wonders of Butternut Squash

I was first introduced to butternut squash by none other than Martha Stewart. Her 2003 October issue had a recipe for Butternut Tea Bread and I just had to try it! As promised, this squash is creamy and butterscotch sweet.

Here is an easy way to cook it and a few ways to enjoy this wonderful squash!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

With a sharp knife, cut in half lengthwise.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Remove all the seeds with a spoon. Place in pan (I used a glass 9x13) and put 1/2 inch of water in pan.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Bake at 375 for 30-45 minutes, or until tender. Test with a sharp knife. You can see little knife marks all over mine. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Using a spoon, gently remove squash from the skin. Mash with fork until smooth. Isn't it pretty?!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

So, now what to do with it?!

I found this Butternut Quesadilla recipe in the recent Martha Stewart magazine.

Butternut Quesadilla

Spread squash on one side of a tortilla. Sprinkle grated cheese (I used a mixture of cheddar and Monterey Jack) on another tortilla. Sandwich them together. Melt a little butter in a skillet, over medium heat. Place tortilla in pan, flipping once, until both sides are golden and cheese is melted.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It was so good, I don't think I'll be able to eat a plain cheese quesadilla ever again!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Enjoy Butternut Tea Bread for breakfast - or a snack anytime!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Butternut Tea Bread

Makes 1 nine-by-five-inch loaf

1 stick butter, melted
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/8 teaspoon cloves
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup butternut puree
1/2 cup chopped pecans

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Grease loaf pan and set aside. Into a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, spices, and salt; set aside.

2. In a medium bowl, whisk together sugar, eggs, squash, melted butter, and 1/4 cup water. Fold squash mixutre into flour mixture. Stir in pecans.

3. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan, and bake until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean, about 1 hour. Turn bread out onto a wire rack, and let cool completely.

When dried in a cool, dry spot, butternut squash can last two months or longer, so the next time you're at the grocery store, pick one up!


  1. Thank you for the wonderful recipes! The photos give a great visual of your discovery of ways to use butternut squash!

  2. All most every time I read your post I end up going to the kitchen to see what I can find to eat. Your pictures are so bright and good that I feel I am there with you. I hope you will come by and visit my blog and see my home. It is up for sale and I have a picture or two. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Just what I needed - a lesson in cooking squashes! When I was in Vermont a couple of years ago I had the most delicious butternut squash risotto in a restaurant - I suppose you haven't a recipe for that have you?

  4. Great ideas and recipes. Thanks for sharing Kelli!!!

  5. Yummy Kelli! Thanks for the recipe! I have a butternut recipe too, but it is super rich - you fill the butternut seed cavity with bacon, brown sugar and pecans and cover with foil before baking! We do it for company, but I love it just mashed for every night suppers! Thanks! How was the caramel sauce by the way?

  6. Mmmmmm...
    We love butternut squash here; we just picked some up at the market today. I'm going to have to try that quesadilla and the bread looks wonderful too. I'll just have to make enough squash for me to gobble and then some left over for the bread! :)

  7. I love butternut squash so I really appreciate all of these great ideas...especially the one for tea bread. Thank you!

  8. myohmyohmy! I've got to try these! Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. I've never tried butternut squash, but these recipes sure make me want to! I'll have to buy one at the store this weekend...if the family likes it, we just may end up growing it next year.

  10. Thanks for the wonderful recipes Kelli! I am putting butternut squash on my grocery list for next week:) Mmm!

  11. Thanks for sharing the recipes and info on the squash. I love squash. I just wish they were easier to cut. I always have to get my hubby to do it for me.

  12. i grew up eating butternut or what we called "winter squash" weekly. Never got tired of it and still don't. I even buy it frozen and just sprinkle some cinnamon and brown sugar on it with a bit of butter and cook it. Melissa lived on it while growing up, she would eat a whole box of the frozen stuff by herself when she was about 14 years old. Will try the bread recipe this coming week when my dad comes to visit

  13. I've never ate that before..the squash...makes me think of sweet taters in which there is not a REAL sweet tater left in this whole world!! I want a SWEET sweet tater!!!!

  14. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I am visiting your wonderful blog for the first time! Who knew you had such great recipes! I came by way of Dawn's post saying she'd won your fall giveaway.

    We LOVE butternut squash. In fact, just yesterday we served two butternut squash pies to our home church fellowship. (Use a regular pumpkin pie recipe but substitute the pumpkin with butternut.)

    We will have to try the quesadilla and the tea bread. Thank you so much for sharing those. I will be perusing more of your recipes and posts. I'm so glad I found you!

  15. Those recipes look great! I'm loving the squash season right now! Have you ever tried buttercup squash? It's a very sweet squash, probably my favorite! I love butternut squash too!

  16. I love butternut squash.
    That quesadilla recipe looks so different and delicious.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  17. Kelli, I don't cut my butternut squash before I cook it. I put it in the oven whole (in an aluminum lined pan) When it is tender, it is so much easier to cut down the middle. Then scrape out the seed.

  18. I m totally agree with that


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