Thursday, October 19, 2006

My October Garden

After a long hot summer, my flowers have sprung back to life. I thought I was losing my green thumb but I guess all my plants needed was a good soaking of rain water! I am very thankful for the rainy days we have had lately.

The flowers in my strawberry planter got so big they ran out of room!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My purple alyssum is bursting with blooms.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It looks like the Coleus is reaching for the sun!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I had given up on my tomato plant, but was very happy to finally see some tomatoes this morning! It smells so good out there too!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I should check on my green pepper plant more often. I counted at least 10 peppers, some of them the size of a quarter! So cute!

Pepper plant
Originally uploaded by pwinn.

One of the branches had some wind damage so it looks like mushroom *and* green pepper stroganoff tonight. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My "Autumn Joy" (also known as Sedum) lets me know fall is here. The pink flowers slowly turn to red throughout the summer and then turn a deep rusty-red to welcome the season.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots
may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on
the feelings, as now in October.
- Nathaniel Hawthorne


  1. Good Grief Kelli...that rain really did perk things up! I remember back in the summer when you said so much of the things you planted had died. Glad its all perking up for you! The peppers look so good!!

  2. Your garden is so pretty and I am hungry for a salad just looking at your veggies. I enjoy your blog so much. What a wonderful gift you received from your mother and sister and every gift is lovely. What a wonderful way to end a good month that you and your sister had.

  3. We've finally started to get some rain again. We had the 2nd driest summer since the 1950's here, so I'm happy to see it.
    Your garden bounty looks great. Autumn Joy is one of my favorite fall plants and mine is blooming right now too!

  4. Such lovely pictures! Everything here is already killed by frost, and it's impossible to grow peppers without a greenhouse so I really enjoy your photos. Right now I'm thinking of the home I'm moving back to and dreaming about what I'll do with the yard in the spring.

  5. Even though Oct. does have it's sunny spots I do prefer July and August.Your color is so fresh while ours sadly looking VERY tired..soon to say goodbye>>:(

  6. Looks like your garden is growing quite well to me! I ADORE alyssum! I've never had it grow as abundantly as yours looks though. It reminds me so much of my grandma. :)

  7. Love that Kelli, your garden is beautiful :)



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