Monday, October 16, 2006

Special Gifts

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

After a month long visit, my sister has returned home. Before she left though, she had a special surprise planned for me.

Last Wednesday, my mom asked me to take her an antique store. She was looking for a souvenir of her trip to Texas. I took her to my favorite little antique shop and my sister came along too.

We had a wonderful time looking around. I found a cute cuckoo clock that is now on my Christmas list. :0) I also found a few hankies at a great price. While we were shopping, my mom and sister would show me various things, asking me if I liked them.

I checked out first and then Grace and I went outside to sit on a bench. My mom and sister came out shortly after that and handed me a shopping bag. This is when I started to catch on and boy, I don't like being tricked!! They had been shopping for me the whole time!! The gifts were so wonderful and thoughful though, I forgave them rather quickly. :0)

Melissa knew how much I've been wanting a pitcher and bowl set. It's the perfect size and looks beautiful on my bathroom counter.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I seem to remember telling them in the antique store that I wanted some old perfume bottles for my glass tray. Guess what showed up in the shopping bag! She also gave me a beautiful Victorian mirror compact. You can see it in front of the bottles.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The glass bottle on the left is so pretty and delicate and I just *love* the blue flowered bottle on the right. It is empty, so I plan to put some of my own perfume in it. I'll have to find one that the girls like too, they are very excited about using the old-fashioned atomizer!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

"For there is no friend like a sister,
In calm or stormy weather,
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands."
-Christina Rossetti

Thank you for looking at my special gifts!


  1. What beautiful and special gifts from your mom and sister! How very tender. I'm sure you'll enjoy the memories you have every time you see what they gave you. :)

  2. What a sweet surprize!!!

  3. Great gifts. How sweet your mom and sister are!

  4. Can I borrow your sister and mom for a while??? lol What a wonderful surprise to get you all those goodies from the antique shop!! I love everything they gave you, especially the bowl and pitcher set...gorgeous!!! Hugs!

  5. What beautiful gifts you received. Your mom and sister must be just as beautiful to take such care to get the things you really liked.

  6. Hi Kelli,
    It's certainly looking like Fall around your place. I've enjoyed catching up on all your news and I love all these lovely gifts you've received.
    I'm fortunate to have a wonderful sister too. Don't know what I would've done without her at times.
    Thanks for sharing so much loveliness with the rest of us!

  7. Oh Kelli, this brought tears to my eyes because it reminds me of sisterly love. Sisters are such a blessing and when they are also friends then it's even a bigger blessing. I know you will treasure the beautiful gifts but I'm sure you'll treasure the memory even more:)

  8. Your gifts are beautiful and given with so much love and thoughtfulness! These items are so closely related to Sandra's recent article in her Raven Hill Cottage blog about the Victorian's having beautiful things that they took good care of and treasured, rather than a house full of stuff (my words). Thank you for sharing about your wonderful suprises!

  9. You are blessed in having a sister and I am sure you know that!Lovely dressing table accessories!You are always giving so now it is your turn to recieve!
    I hope your girls enjoyed my jack-o-lantern displays.

  10. Aren't sisters and moms the best gift of all!!

  11. What a wonderful mom and sister you have ;)

    Love all the things you got, I'm a huge fan of perfume bottles and those are just gorgeous :)


  12. I havent seen my mom for twenty years and I have only two younger lucky girl. I miss these kinds of relationships. Anyway I have my own family which is very special.

  13. Oooh! Those are all so pretty! What wonderful, special gifts.

  14. How fun. I am glad that they planned that nice surprise for you. All I have are my Christian sisters and Sisters-in-Law. I am always a wee bit envious when I hear of sisters with a special friendship. I am glad for them however.

  15. Kelli I loves those bottles!! How nice of them!

  16. How very sweet and thoughtful and what a nice surprise. The gifts are beautiful. What a nice sister and mom you have!:-)

  17. How lovely! And I quite agree - sisters are special friends.

  18. How lovely! Glad you were able to have such a wonderful visit with your sister.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.