Monday, October 16, 2006

We Have A Winner!!

Hello everyone!! I wrote all your names on pink slips of paper, folded them up and put them in a bowl. Grace was kind enough to assist me. :0)

Here she is giving them a good stir...

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

She has one picked out...

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The winner is....

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Dawn from4:53am

Congratulations Dawn!!!! As soon as I have your address and I will send the prizes right out to you!!

A big thank you to everyone who shared their favorite things about fall and left me such sweet comments. I really appreciate them!! I think I spent the whole weekend either smiling or blushing. Sometimes both! ;0)

Below, are little notes to all who left me a comment.

~Denial Renae, mmm....I love caramel apples too!

~Kelly in SC, thank you! Our fireplace is mostly for decoration too but it sure is a pretty one! :0)

~Lynn, thank you! Yellow mums and pumpkins are perfect together!

~Sandra, I love getting out my favorite fall sweaters too!

~Maria, thank you! I agree with you, fall has the prettiest colors!!

~Mindy, thank you! I love all of your fall favorites! We have a basket of pinecones we’ve collected from our neighborhood. :0)

~Patty, thank you! I just love your fall quote! So true!

~Mrs. Cathie, I agree, nothing is better than soup on a cold night! It is so comforting.

~Barbara, thank you! cider and donuts are a perfect fall treat!

~Dawn, thank you! I am patiently waiting for the changing colors! The trees usually start in November.

~Martha, thank you for stopping by! I love apple cider. :0)

~Kristen, thank you! I love the crisp feeling in the morning too! I like to step out on my back patio as soon as I get up!

~Felice, thank you! Your kitchen sounds like such a cozy place to be!

~Copper’s wife, there is nothing better than the smell of a woodstove! I hope it cools down again soon.

~Kimberly, we *do* have alot in commom!! I would love to share a cup of tea with you! Your porch sounds lovely.

~Dot, I am so thankful that it finally cooled down here in Texas!

~Mrs. Garcia, I agree, fall is a great time to slow down and spend time with family. I can’t believe that Thanksgiving will be here next month!

~Susan, thank you! Your list of fall favorites is great! I love your idea of “cozying in for the winter!”

~Heather, thank you! I hope your nose is feeling better!! Your ending to a perfect fall day sounds so nice!! I put flannel sheets on Grace and Emily’s bed today and they were so excited!

~Debbie, knitting by the woodstove sounds wonderful!

~Clarice, you are so sweet. :0) Your roasted pear sauce sounds delicious!

~Pea, thank you! I can’t wait until the leaves fall...I will have to take one of those fall walks!

~Janet, chocolate with marshmallows sounds so yummy!!

~Tanya, thank you! I’m hoping to get some quilting done this fall! It is a great way to warm up!

~Tina, I love everything about fall too! I’m especially enjoying the “feel” of fall since it cooled down here this week!

~Peg, we’ve been in a drought this year too. I’m hoping to see a little fall color soon. You will have to let me know if you start a blog!

~Pam, thank you! I enjoyed reading about your favorite fall things! It is such a fun time of year.

~Heather, the cooler weather always puts me in a baking mood too! I keep my pantry stocked up with lots of pumpkin. :0)

~Kim, thank you! We go on a hayride/weiner roast with our church too! So fun!

~Emily, thank you for stopping by! I love to open all the windows too! It gets rid of the stuffy summer air!

~Beth j. Thank you! Warm pajamas are the best!

~Mrs. Pivec, you are right about the angle of the fall light! Isn’t it beautiful?!

~Grammy swart, thank you! Your fall favorites all sound wonderful! I’ve been thinking of making apple butter, thank you for the reminder!!

~Ulla, we had a very dry summer too. It rained all day here and it was wonderful!!

~Jan, thank you! I love the sweet smell of the crisp air too!

~Mouse, thank you! I’m so glad the gingerbread coffee was a hit! The football games sound like lots of fun!

~Julie, thank you! Your list of fall favorites is making my hungry! I love making hearty meals too!

~Fay, thank you! Congratulations on your new little one! My favorite fall things are food related too. :0)

~Rowan, thank you! You have a beautiful way with words! I enjoyed reading your favorite thing about fall.

~Kris, thank you so much! Send some of your snow down to me. I really miss it!

~Mrs. Harris, thank you! Your fall day with your chilldren sounds wonderful!!

~Smilnsigh, thank you for sharing such a beautiful quote!

~Morgan, I agree, it is so hard to pick just one! I love them all too!

~Naturegirl, I just *love* your autumn displays!! How wonderful that your birthday comes in such a great season!

~Cori, thank you! I have used many of Mrs. Wilt’s wonderful fall ideas too!

~Sabine, thank you for sharing your favorite fall thing! I love the beautiful fall sky too!

~Mrs. U, it is very important to take our fall vitamins everyday! ;0)

~Amy, thank you!! I agree, it's wonderful to be able to play outside again! Enjoying a good read-aloud under a quilt sounds perfect!!

~Phillip, thank you! My blog wouldn't even be here if it weren't for your html magic! Oh, and the wonderful pictures you take for me! I promise to make more cookies soon. :0)

~Revee, thank you! Tell your girls "hi" from us too! :0)

Congratulations again, Dawn!!!


  1. Congratulations Dawn!

    Kelli, that was so sweet of you to have that little give-a-way.

  2. Yea Dawn!

    What a nice idea this was. Thank you for thinking of it.

  3. No No NO it says...T-I-N-A!!!
    Kelli that was pretty neat...I liked reading everyones answers. Nice of you to respond to everyones too!! NEXT!!!

  4. I missed the whole thing... Oh well, congratulations to the winner!!!

  5. Woot!!!! You have an email...
    So excited...
    Thank You, Kelli!!!

  6. Woohoooo Dawn!!! Congrats!! That was a lot of fun Kelli:-)

  7. Congratulations to you Dawn.

  8. Congratulations Dawn! :o)
    Kelli, what a fun thing to do! I'm sorry to have missed out in all the festivities! I'm late!

  9. Kelli you are welcome we all were pleased to share your 300th post w/ you! How nice that 51 visitors commented..congrats to Dawn I am sure you made her day!

  10. Congratulations Dawn and Thanks for this fun Kelli!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.