Thursday, October 12, 2006

300th Post!

I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but what you are reading is my 300th post!!! Instead of sharing 300 things about myself, I thought it would be more fun (for all of us!) to have a Fall Giveaway!

In celebration of today, I would also love to hear a "hello" from everyone who visits me here. Especially any "lurkers!" :0)

To have your name entered in the giveaway, all you have to do is tell me one of your favorite things about fall!

Here are the prizes:

A fall handtowel with oak leaves and acorns, fall leaf stickers, a leaf and berry garland, a pumpkin pie candle and 4 mini fall notecards.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is a close-up of the garland. You can leave it as a ring or unroll it.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The mini notecards are the sweetest things! Each one is tied with a ribbon and comes with a little envelope.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I will leave the contest running through the weekend and annouce the winner on Monday. I can't wait to hear from you!


  1. i love the carmel apples and the leaves!

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I love to smell wood smoke in the air as people fire up those fireplaces. Of course, living in SC as we do, fireplaces are more for decoration than for heat :o).
    By the way, I've been a lurker for a little while now and I really enjoy your blog!
    Enjoy your weekend!

    Kelly in SC

  3. Anonymous10:50 AM

    ~pretty yellow mums

    ~fall pumpkins

    Love your blog,

  4. I love the changing colours of the leaves, pumpkin pie, wearing a favourite sweater, and the cripsness in the air.

  5. Congratulations Kelly!
    Oh boy, this is fun...and prizes and all! Okay, to name only one thing is difficult...but like you want, heres the answer:

  6. Congrats on your 300th post! I continue to enjoyyour blog so much! Some of my favorite things about the Fall Season are...freshly baked Apple Pie, Pumpkin Spice candles, baskets filled with pinecones that were found on a trip to the local mountains, set out on the porch to greet visitors to our home and a cozy throw to snuggle with, are just a few of my favorites! Enjoy your day, Blessings to you..

  7. Congratulations on 300 posts, you have me beat !
    Favorite thing about fall time is...crisp apples, no wait ...I like the cool weather more, well maybe I like the fall colors more than that, oh I know, my favorite thing is having to wear sweaters. Naw, I think its feeling like knitting socks again and spinning wool. Oh my, then there is the baking after such a long hot summer, and making soups again on the woodstove. Kelli, there is no way I could limit my favorite things about fall to just one thing, its a tidy little package of good things. Fall is God gift to us after summer and before the winter.

  8. My favorite things about fall

    1) Canadian Thanksgiving in October :)
    2) Taking my kids to hunt for their perfect pumpkins
    3) Watching my kids faces as the leaves fall on them :)
    4)Baking - anything - not picky
    5)Soups - nothing better than soup on those cold fall nights
    6)American Thanksgiving :)

    God bless,
    From one Canadian married to an American to another :)

  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Hello Kelli!

    I am a lurker who enjoys your lovely blog. This is what I like about Autumn: beautiful fall colors, apple cider & donuts, brisk air, pumpkins, and sweaters, being cozy in my house while enjoying a cup of tea.


  10. I love the look of your blog. Happy 300!!

  11. Does that qualify for something autumn-ish??
    Okay...Love the changing colors...

  12. I just saw your comment on another blog and decided to "stop in" for the first time. . . Does that make me a "lurker?" :-) As for fall, I love the color of the leaves and cooler weather. Oh, yes, add a cup of hot cider in the mix!
    Blessings on your family!

  13. Congratulations on your 300th post! Wow! That's a lot of postin'!

    My favorite thing about fall....there are too many to count! I love the leaves, the colors, the smell in the air, the crisp feeling in the morning, getting out socks and sweatshirts, fires in the fireplace, Halloween, apple cider...and on and on and on!

  14. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Hi Kelli! I'm a lurker, but a good lurker. I'm a new but frequent visitor to your blog--there's just something about it that makes me feel good. What I love about fall in Maine is the cooler air, oranges, yellows and reds of leaves, pumpkins, apples & mums; and putting away the grill so I can get back to cooking soups and baking pies and cookies in my warm little kitchen.
    Many blessings to you and your family.
    Felice in Portland, Maine

  15. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Oh, how fun!! My favorite thing about fall??? It's having that very first fire in the wood stove!! We had our first fire this year one evening last week, but it's 83 here again today. :-(

  16. Hi! You stopped by my new blog and left such a sweet comment. I really appreciate it! When I clicked on your profile I was AMAZED at how many things we've both listed as our favorites! How fun! I wish you were in Colorado. I'd have you over for an Autumn Tea on my porch.

    I love so many things about Autumn that it's hard to pick just one! I think it would have to be sitting on the wicker settee on my porch drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea whilst reading a good book. The wind chimes gently play their tune as the breeze blows the leaves across the yard. I can see my little Autumn porch decorations made from the corn stalks from my garden and crab apples from our tree. It's resting on the extra bale of hay left over from covering the strawberry beds and is surrounded by gourds from the garden and a nice big pumpkin.
    This is how I enjoyed lunch today~ chicken salad and whole wheat pitas still warm from the oven. It's amazing how refreshing a little break can be during the baby's naptime!

  17. Hi Kelli! I love the cooler weather.

  18. Kelli,My Favorite things about Fall is the Cool Crisp Air and Most Importantly is Spending Time with Family at Thanksgiving and just being able to Give Thanks to God for my Family, Friends, our Country ,for everyone and for all the Many Blessings he gives my family and I everyday.
    Fall is also a time that I like because everyone in our family at least seems to slow down and enjoy spending more time together.

  19. Kelli, congratulations! I figure I met you around post #150 or so! LOL I love Fall for cooler weather, clear blue skies, crisp air, pumpkin patch, hayrides,harvest scented candles, sweaters, fireplaces, candy corn, pumpkin bread, football, decorating my home,and "cozying in for the winter!"

  20. I love flannel sheets dried on the line on a crisp autumn day and placed on our bed just before sleep - to bury my nose (when it isn't broken!) in a line dried pillowslip is my idea of an ending to a perfect fall day - and if someone in the neighbourhood perchance is burning rubbish and leaves - all the better for the hint of woodsmoke!
    Thank you for taking the time to blogs so beautifully and for your kind comment on my little blog!
    Blessings - EH?

  21. Knitting by the woodstove and feeling cozy!
    Have a great weekend,

  22. Did I win yet???? Oh...I guess I gotta leave an answer first huh? lol What a fun idea and I just love all the prizes!! First of all, congratulations on your 300th post...may I say that every one of them has been delightful!! My favourite thing about Fall is walking in the woods with no other sound than the leaves crunching under my that!!Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, they are so very appreciated!! Hugs xox

  23. Having a fire in the fireplace, and snuggling under a handmade afghan.

    Big cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows melting on top.

    Sweaters, mittens, and hats.

  24. Hi. I'm a "lurker" from Japan. (Actually American living 30 years in Japan). I love the fall of course since it is such a great time for quilting! In the summer it's too hot unless you want to use an air-conditioner but the beginning of fall calls to me to quilt and quilt and quilt!
    Congratulations on your "300th"!

  25. OHHHH Kelli!!! I love the color of Fall, the smell of Fall, the feel of Fall....which of course is a combination of many things!! I just love Fall!!!

  26. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I love the cooler weather and the turning of the trees although here in Southern Missouri the droughts we have had this year affected the leaves and the colors are not as bright.

    I did not know what a BLog was until I ran across the one on Bonnie's Quiltsville site!!!!
    Since then have been visiting a few including yours often and enjoy reading all the good recipes, neat quilt ideas and daily life events.

    May have to figure this out and get a blog of my own going someday!!

    Peg in Missouri

  27. Congrats on 300 posts!

    What do I like about fall? Hmmm...EVERYTHING! I love snuggling under an afghan with my husband. I love homemade stews simmering on the stove all day...I love watching my grandpuppies frolicking in the leaves...I love staring into the fire of the woodstove, reminiscing of days gone by...I love brushing my daughters hair by the light of the oil lamps...I love that I can drink all the coffee I want without feeling "too warm"...LOL, maybe you should have asked what I don't like about fall!

    Grace & Peace

  28. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I love the crispnes in the air and the changing of the leaves. It always puts me in a baking mood. (Thanks, by the way, for sharing your great recipes!) I love the smell of freshly baked pies, autumn candles, and freshly brewed coffee.

  29. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I have been a lurker for awhile, but just wanted to let you know that i LOVE your blog. It is so "cozy". My favorite part of Fall is watching the leaves turn colors, hot chocolate, hayrides, bonfires, and weiner roasts with our church group!

  30. Hi Kelli! (I didn't come to enter the contest, but it is a nice idea!) I actually stopped by because I finally had some time to visit the bloggers who had so kindly visited my blog over the last couple of weeks. . . I'm so slow. Forgive me! I'm enjoying my visit here! Congratulations on your 300th post!

    Okay, just to play along. . . no need to enter me in the contest though! One of my favorite things about Autumn: I love to open up all the windows and let it very cool and fresh in the house. Drives my sweet husband nuts, but there's nothing like fresh, crisp Fall air to me! Makes me feel exhilarated and cozy all at once. . .

  31. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Hi, I am lurker and a big fan of your blog! My favorite thing about fall is the cool evenings and warm pajamas!

  32. Oh, I want to play. :)

    I love the angle of the light, so different from the summertime and that deep cornflower-blue sky.

  33. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I have been lurking for a while and really enjoying it.
    I love having a big halloween party for all the kids with hay rides and a bon fire.
    Also, the smell of apple butter cooking, apple pies in the oven, herbs drying. I guess no one could limit to one thing.

  34. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Hello! Fall is my favourite season, but most wonderful thing in fall is the RAIN. Especially this year when summer was very dry here in Finland.


  35. I do enjoy your blog and those luscious recipes. I recently found your blog from a link on another. I live in the only place in Michigan where Canada is actually south of us and a quick trip across the river.

    Autumn is my favorite season for many reasons. The first that comes to mind is that sweet smell of the crisp air.

  36. Congratulations on 300 post, that's a lot of post. Made the gingerbread coffee this morning, it was really good. Even Jerry who doesn't like anyone messing with his coffee liked it, of course I had to talk him into trying it first. Just like a little kid sometimes.
    My favorite thing about fall is watching the High School Football games all wrapped up to stay warm and sipping hot chocolate with whipping cream in between screaming for your team.

  37. Anonymous1:02 PM


    Another lurker coming out of hiding! I have enjoyed your blog for several months now and have gotten lots of wonderful ideas and recipes! I can't name just ONE thing I love about autumn - orange pumpkins, our woodstove burning, fall-scented candles, pumpkin pie baking, fried apples cookings, the colors of the leaves, the fact that our anniversary is in the fall, making hearty meals again, decorating for fall. I better stop! Thanks for running the contest and congratulations!
    Sweet blessings -
    Julie Druck

  38. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Hello! From a "lurker". I found your site a few weeks ago and I must say it's a new favorite! Congrats on your 300th post.

    The things I love about fall:

    1) a sense of newness (and this year I have a 2 week's that for newness?)

    2) pumpkin this and apple that (all food related of course!)

    3) the changing leaves

    4) decorations

    5) we can finally enjoy the outdoors again (we live in Georgia so our summers are hot and humid)

  39. Congratulations on your 300th post Kelli, your blog is a pleasure to read, full of variety and interest.
    Fall/Autumn is my favourite of all the seasons and it's hard to pick a single thing but I think it has to be seeing all the wonderful leaf colours as they change and then drift down and carpet the earth giving beauty to the eye, protection to the plants and small creatures that sleep, waiting for the spring, and eventually food to nourish all the growing things around them. Have a great weekend.

  40. Anonymous5:33 PM

    My favorite thing about fall is those first few cool days that give you a hint of what is to hopefully come at SOME point in winter - SNOW!! And, I love the changing leaf colors and flannel sheets and fires ... oh, wait, you said only ONE thing! LOL!

    Oh, Kelli, I always enjoy visiting your blog ... it is such a sweet one and a true highlight in my week!


  41. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Hi Kelli,
    Thank you for creating such a lovely and encouraging site. I really enjoyed reading about your prairie adventure. My favorite thing about autumn is being able to homeschool the children while the fireplace is crackling, soup is simmering on the stove, bread is baking in the oven and we are able to all be cozy and warm together. :-)
    Mrs. Harris in Texas

  42. My favorite thing is the feeling, brought by these words from Keats' "Autumn"... "Season of mellow fruitfullness..."

    It is a joy, in later life...

  43. Hi Kelli! It is hard to pick one thing that is my favorite for fall. I guess it is the wait , it's the apples, no wait it's the

  44. Kelli CONGRATULATIONS on 300 posts!!
    How generous a gift you have here!!
    * ********* *
    One of my favorite things about fall:
    well of course anyone visiting my site knows I LOVE creating my autumn displays! Collecting and shopping for the necessary elements most enjoyable as I venture off to the markets and nurseries all the while enjoying the autumn colors!Autumn calls on all my favorite celebrations..Thanksgiving,my Birthday,and Halloween! ^_^

  45. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Coming out of lurk-dom to say that my favorite thing about fall is getting such wonderful ideas on how to celebrate this particular season. Your's and Mrs. Wilt's ideas are always so manageable and cheerful that many of them have made their way into my home this year. Thank you!


  46. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Oh my, Kelli! 47 comments already! Your blog is such a treat.

    I am liking fall better and better after reading all the comments. I can't say I really *love* fall because winter follows so quickly here and the cold makes my body hurt. But I'm trying. I love the way the sky looks so intensely blue in contrast to the yellow and orange and red leaves.

  47. My favorite thing about fall are the Fall vitamins!! CANDY CORN!!!!!

    Mrs. U

  48. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Hi Kelli,
    I missed the deadline due to two out of town trips over the weekend...but congrats on your 300th post! You are an inspiration, and your blog is always a warm and cozy kind of place to visit! Here's to a 3000th post!

    As far as my favorite thing about fall...I love the cool nights when we gather around a small fire to roast hotdogs and marshmallows...then top it off with hot cocoa! Crunchy leaves, football games, snuggling under cozy quilts while having great read-alouds! But most of all, I like having delightful afternoons watching the children play in the yard...finally! During the summer, the heat and mosquitoes limit that pleasure!

    Have a great week!

  49. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I waited until after the deadline, because I know our daughter is picking a name out of a jar this morning, but I read your blog every day!

    In fact, I saw those butterscotch cookies on there last week and decided to come home for lunch, 'cause they looked good.

    Anyway, what I like most about fall is probably watching the kids jump in the leaves.

    Congratulations on the 300th post -- and the 49 comments plus this one.

  50. Hey Kelli! Better late than never. :) Please tell your cute kids we all said hello!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.