Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday, October 11, 06

After a month of visiting, my sister will be leaving for home tomorrow. I don't do well with saying goodbye so I'm trying not to think about it. I will miss our morning cups of coffee, knitting, sewing and watching movies late into the night. :0)

Melissa wrote out a long to-do list and one of the things was "finish doll dress." Grace underlined it so it would get done first! This is Melissa's first doll dress and she made it without a pattern!

Grace's doll Molly, is very happy with her new Sunday dress!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I love the little ruffled sleeves!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

This morning I received a photo of my niece, Keira. She sure is cute and I know all about the presumed innocent until proven thing but if that isn't a guilty look, I don't know what is!! ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Isn't she a doll?!!


  1. The doll dress is wonderful! Your sister reminds me of how my mom used to be. She could make anything without a pattern and I always marveled at that! And what a cute little baby....yes, she does look just a bit like 'Who, me?' Thanks for the smile.

  2. A cute little dress and a cute little real live doll! Talent must run in your family.

  3. Oh Kelli, how far away does your sister live? I am glad you had such a nice long visit with her and she got to help treat your children to some special things. I don't have a sister, but I do have some good friends.

    That picture of your niece is adorable. She even has the "prison striped" outfit on to go with the picture. =)

  4. The doll dress is so cute! I LOVE the picture of your niece! Too cute!

  5. At first I thought it was a doll she is so cute. What a cute idea for a picture.
    I sure understand how hard it is to say good-bye to family. I hated saying good-bye to my father, sisters and best friend of 4 decades after the wedding was over

  6. Oh forgot to mention the dress for, is that Molly ? Its so cute. Love the ruffly sleeves, reminds me of Mollys birthday dress in the style of it. Your sister did a wonderful job

  7. Hi Marci, my family lives on the east coast. It's a long two days drive!

  8. Hi Patty,
    Yes, it's Molly from the American Girl company. She usually has her glasses on!

  9. Kelli, I am so happy you had such a wonderful visit with your sister but I know exactly how you feel. I only get to see my sisters a few times a year and the time always flies by too fast and the good-byes are always teary. Thank goodness we have the internet because that can help us stay connected a little. Your sister sounds like a wonderful friend:)

  10. How lovely that your sister could stay with you for a whole month! I'm sure that makes parting even a bit harder, but what wonderful memories you share - especially undertaking the Big Adventure together!!

    And what a creative pair you two are. How fun to be able to enjoy all these things together. You two have been VERY productive on your visit! She'd better start a blog of her own so we can keep abreast of all her projects!

  11. Kelli that is the cutest little button of a baby your neice, babies are such a lovely gift to a family don't you think.

    Your blog is so nice to read and I am sure I will enjoy a return trip to see what is happening on it now from time to time.

    enjoy your fall season and we will enjoy spring here.

  12. LOL! I love the picture of your niece!

    The doll dress is very sweet. Must be hard to sew all those itty bitty pieces.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.