Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cookies and Coffee Anyone?

My parents are in town for a visit this week. The kids are having lots of fun with Grandpa and Grandma. It is a rainy day so they have been playing lots of Uno and Eye Spy! Now they are with Grandpa at the dollar theater, watching "Cars."

It seemed like a good day to do a little fall baking. These Pumpkin Butterscotch Cookies get eaten up very quickly!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Pumpkin Butterscotch Cookies

1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 cup pumpkin
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 cups butterscotch chips

Preheat oven to 350.F Cream the butter and sugar. Add pumpkin and vanilla. In separate bowl, stir together dry ingredients. Add to butter mixture and stir. Add butterscotch chips. Drop by teaspoons onto a greased cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned around the edges. Allow to cool on sheet for 1 minute, then remove to cooling rack.

This next recipe is for Gingerbread Coffee which is perfect for warming you up on a cold morning.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Gingerbread Coffee

1/2 cup molasses
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground ginger
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

In a small bowl, mix together the molasses, brown sugar, baking soda, ginger and cinnamon until well blended. Cover and refrigerate for at least 10 minutes.

Pour about 1/4 cup of hot coffee into a cup, then stir in a tablespoon of the spice mixture until dissolved. (Return unused mixture to refrigerator.) Fill cup to within an inch of the top with coffee. Stir in half and half or cream to taste, then garnish with whipped cream and a light dusting of cloves.

Enjoy and repeat until spice mixture is gone. Then make some more. ;0)


  1. Mmmm. Both things look so delicious. I don't know what I could find to replace the butterscotch chips (I can't do dairy), but maybe I'll find some vegan ones somewhwere... or MAYBE I'll just throw caution to the wind!! :)

    The coffe looks so wonderful too. Now there ARE vegan alternatives for whipped cream and I actually have a coffee alternative... 'cause I can't do coffee either. The caffeine - even in decaf - makes me woozy.

    I tell you, sometimes it's torture coming to these yummy blog sites!!

  2. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Yum...these look great! I can't wait to try the gingerbread coffee. I had bought some of the refrigerated holiday Gingerbread creamer put out by Coffee-Mate, but it went too fast. I plan on trying this one since I have all the ingredients on hand.
    You have the neatest recipes! Keep 'em coming! LOL
    Have a great evening!

  3. Oh my goodness! These sound SO good! I will be trying them both soon. :o) We love playing UNO here. At the moment my little grandson is the family champion.
    Hugs and Smiles,

  4. These look like the perfect autumn taste treat. Thanks for sharing them!

  5. If I liked coffee or even had coffee in the house I'd sure make up your mix. Any suggestions what could replace the coffee?

    By the way, I love your moon images too!!!

  6. Both of those recipes sound yummy. Thanks Kelli!

  7. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Yummy!! Great Fall recipes Kelli! I'm inspired to get in there and bake some cookies! Blessings to you and yours..

  8. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Sorry Kelli, that last post was from me...hit the wrong key!

  9. Anonymous9:42 PM

    oops...did that again...please forgive me..:)!
    Blessings to you,

  10. Oh my, both recipes sound soooo delicious and of course I've copied them to be printed out:-)

  11. Love the sound of the gingerbread coffee! Why do you keep posting these tempting recipes when I'm trying to lose weight:)

  12. Oh, oh, the torture!! Don't do this posts when I'm trying to cut down on my sweets, lol!

  13. Anonymous8:55 PM

    mmmm...can we come over for cookies, coffee and a few rounds of Uno? Sounds great!

  14. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I made your pumpkin butterscotch cookies for our family Christmas dinner and everyone went crazy over them. I not only gave away the recipe, but also your blog address. Thanks for a beautiful blog. Sharon

  15. Both of these recipes sound sooooo yummy - guess I will just have to give them both a try!

    Have a great weekend!
    Blessings - Pauline


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