Monday, October 09, 2006

October Pleasures

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Sarah Ban Breathnach always has wonderful ideas on celebrating each month of the year. Here are some ideas for October.

~Plan an outing to a pumpkin patch or farmers' market. Go on the hunt for the perfect pumpkin or an assortment of smaller ones. Pie pumpkins are a nice size for creating luminaries for steps or driveways, and even smaller pumpkins make charming votive candle holders for dinner tables.

~Create a seasonal table. Set aside one small space on which to arrange an autumnal still life: wheat sheaves, pumpkins, gourds, Indian corn, bouquets of dried flowers and preserved autumn leaves.

~Pumpkins make very attractive natural vases for autumn bouquets. Scoop out the center and fill with a floral sponge cut to size. Arrange jewel-toned flowers, preserved leaves, and vines for a long lasting arrangement. Occasionally test the sponge to see if you need to add more water.

~This is the month to plant crocus, daffodils, and tulips outdoors for next springs, season of showing off.

~Take a Sunday drive in the country to admire the season's colors. Pack a picnic. Linger as long as you can.

~Be sure to wish your Canadian friends a Happy Thanksgiving today. I will be calling home this afternoon to say hi to my family and hear about all the delicious food my Nana is cooking!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


We went to hunt for chestnuts
One fine October day,
And in the windy country
We wandered far away.

We built a fire of brush-wood
Beneath the sheltering hill,
Among the rustling corn-shocks
The wind was never still.

We played that we were gypsies,
Who never sleep in beds,
But lie beside their fires
With stars above their heads.

But when the air grew frosty,
Beneath the chestnut tree
We filled our bags and baskets
And hastened home to tea.

K. Pyle

The posters can be found at


  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Wonderful! Another poem to put in my file for copywork! 'Mrs. Sharp's Traditions' is one of my favorite books, and one that stays out all year long! Such lovely ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a delightful post...and thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes:-) I made my turkey dinner yesterday and today it's leftovers...I'm so glad I don't have to cook for a day at least! lol Love the poem and the ideas of what to do during the month of October...reminds me that I must go in search of some pumpkins soon!!

  3. I love this poem!!

  4. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

    How lucky you are to get to celebrate it twice!

  5. Some nice ideas there for October and I really like the poem. I haven't seen Mrs Sharp's Traditions though it sounds right up my street.

  6. Great post Kelli. I hope they all had a great Thanksgiving at your Canadian home. I know you would have loved to have been there.

  7. My little E is doing this poem for our recitation recital... next week! So when I saw it I read it in her "voice." :) Thanks for sharing.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Kelli! I meant to post this yesterday but got busy! We celebrated our 29 Thanksgiving - and we've been married just 15 years - why? Because we have so much to be thankful for that no matter where we are living we celebrate both Thanksgivings! Our son said 'hooray it's thanksgiving today - Mummy, I can't quite remember do we keep on being thankful now until Christmas or di we just stop being thankful from last Christmas?'. WE had turkey and all the trimmings yesterday, but the best part was the pumpkin pie! Mmmmm!


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