Monday, October 30, 2006

A Good Book and Apple Pie

Last week Mrs. Wilt shared some of her favorite Autumn books. My library had most of them and our favorite one so far is "The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree" by Gail Gibbons. It is the story of Arnold's apple tree and how it changes with the passage of the seasons.

Apple tree
Originally uploaded by pwinn.

At the end of the story is a recipe for Apple Pie so guess what we made today?!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here it is all ready for the oven. I cut out pastry oak leaves for the top crust, brushed on some milk and sprinkled it with sugar.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My kitchen needed a little cleaning up after!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

An hour in the oven and they are all hot and bubbly. Grace made a mini pie, complete with a pastry acorn on top! So cute!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Mine has a few dark (ok burnt!) spots, but that is what whipped cream is for. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

“Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness.”
~Jane Austen


  1. Wow, what a pretty pie! Warm with icecream. yummy!

  2. The apple pie looks so good and I love the autum leaves on top of the pie. It is the season for the all american baseball and apple pie. Good job and pass the ice cream.

  3. I love the way you did the crust. I've never seen anything like it.

  4. Your apple pie looks pretty good to me! I'll have my slice with just a little ice cream, please!! I love the leaves as the top crust....very autumn-y!

  5. Kelli, you are so artistic! I love what you did with the crust on top! Just beautiful. I can smell that pie all the way to Virginia:) YUM!

  6. That was one of my son's favorite books, too.

    I have a lot of apples in the garage that were given to us last week. I'm hoping to make apple butter tomorrow.

  7. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I LOVE the pie crust...I can't wait to try that! You are so creative!

  8. Your pie is GORGEOUS!!!! Good job!

    Mrs. U

  9. I love the idea of the crust cut out with the oak leaf cookie cutters. Very cute! I could almost smell the yummy cinnamon apple smell from my speakers!

  10. Yummmm that's one of my favourite desserts, homemade apple pie! While it's cooking, the smell in the kitchen is just fabulous! You have quite good little helpers there:-) xox

  11. Thank you, everyone! I got the wonderful idea for the leaf pie top from my friend, Patty (Morning Ramble). :0)


  12. The pie looks good, especially the oak leaf top. I've got a big basket of apples waiting for my attention and still more on the trees in the garden - a late variety. It's been a really good crop this year.

  13. Kelli there aint nuthin wrong with that pie except that it aint at my house with some ice cream!!! I love the leaves!!! Do you have ANY idea how much Danny & I LOVE apple pie!!!! OH my GOODNESS!!!!

  14. Your pie turned out so pretty! I love the leaf cut outs on top!

  15. That apple pie looks delicious. Just tell everyone it is fall and the leaves are changing colors!!! Your pumpkins are really fabulous. What did you use around the owls eyes?

  16. Can I place my order now?? Its look quite yummy my friend!! Good job!

  17. Hi Marci,
    I used those ornamental mini pumpkins. I cut a hole in the middle with a knife - a drill would have made the job easier!

  18. You pie reminds me of a pile of fall leaves -- how fun -- but oh so much more delicious!;o)

    How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World is another great "apple" book and my kids favorite (part of the Five-in-a-Row book list, and I also think perhaps recommended by Mrs. Wilt).

  19. Hi Jodi! How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World is sitting in our book basket! It's next on the list to read. :0)


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