Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Bedrooms~Before and After

I just cleaned out Grace and Emily's closet but here we are again! We need to do better with our daily tidy-ups.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The biggest problem involves the stuffed animals. I counted over 40 (some are small) and all of them are very special friends, of course! :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We just bought new shoes, so I filled up all the empty boxes. I would love to hear any suggestions on how you deal with these furry little critters!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Total clean-up time in their room: 45 minutes.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Benjamin's room just needed a little work.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

He does a great job with keeping his toys sorted.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Paper issues run in our family. ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The lego magazines are back in their place of honor. Total clean-up time: 30 minutes.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

All the rooms got a good dusting and vacuum. My sewing pile keeps on growing.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Now I'm feeling inspired to sew some Christmas projects.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I put up the white netting a few months ago but keep forgetting to take down the picture! Total clean-up time: 20 minutes.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Now I'm all ready to relax in my chair but as you can see Fern had the same idea.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Judging from that big 'ol yawn and stretch, I don't think she is going to be moving anytime soon!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The only thing on my list for tomorrow is the livingroom.


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    You've been a busy girl ! Everything looks so tidy and organized. Pat yourself on the back.

  2. Love the pictures of Fern! The white netting was a really nice touch, too.

    The girls have a massive collection of furry friends too - we use a large laundry basket that is stored on top of some shelves in the closet. It's the best option we've found.

    You've done a great job with everything!

  3. Kelli, it looks like you and me having been doing the same thing --- cleaning and decluttering. :o)

    Love the pictures of Fern!

  4. What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment you must have! It all looks great!
    Take care Kelli.

  5. Everything looks wonderful Kelli! There is nothing like the feeling of being all organized. Fern certainly looks like she had a hard day's work! Give her a pat on the head for me:)

  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Everything looks great Kelli!

  7. When I was little, I had lots of stuffies too! My dad got one of those net things that you can hang in a corner and all my stuffies whent up there.

  8. Great job Kelli. As far as the stuffed animals, I have a friend who has tried different things. One was a net she strung up in the corner of the room. I guess the net was made for that. They all sat up there looking out at the world. Another was a pole from floor to ceiling with hooks. They were all put on a hook to hang there. I also like Revee's idea of a laundry basket, or even a plastic bin with a lid to put in their closet.

  9. You have been very busy and all looks good in the after pictures. My daughter also had the same problem with my grandaughters room with the stuffed animals problem. She found a net like holder that hangs in the upper corner of her room and all the critters sit thare and look at Lindsey. Works well and looks real good.

  10. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Kelli - Isn't it wonderful to see the fruit of your hands? Good job on getting the bedrooms in order. With children it's a never ending job, but we do have the children as a reward then don't we, so the work is pleasant. We keep the stuffed animals in a wicker basket. Okay, okay, okay, we're supposed to keep the stuffed animals in a wicker basket; but every time I see the boys' room the animals have escaped yet again. Still, they do look cute when they are actually IN the wicker basket.

  11. You go, girl! :)

    Our animals actually get regularly... ahem... weeded.

    We go through everything a couple of times a year and sort. Some go immediately to the church thrift store or garage sale box if we are planning for one of those. Some go into temporary storage and then are looked at again when it is time for the garage sale or donation. If we are having the sale, sometimes my girls see dollar signs instead of their little animal there! :) A few find their way back to the bedrooms, but then others will be rotated later. This has worked pretty well for us. We try to keep the toys in the rooms at a managable level. If there's not enough room, then there is a little bell that goes off in my head suggesting that there are, perhaps, too many toys. :)

  12. Fantastic job Kelli! I must say, I have been checking your blog daily waiting for updates but it was stuck on that poem. After you commented on my blog I thought-she MUST have posted now...and yet nothing. Well, THEN I refreshed and found a whole WEALTH of lovely posts! Yay! I especially loved the Thanksgiving ones...

    Have a great day!

  13. You have done a totally fantastic job!! I'm so *jealous.* Which translates to -- I need to get a bit of spark from you, and do lots of that, myself. :-)

    The sense of accomplishment after, is soooo super, isn't it? Well, I need to re-experince such accomplishment, to really remember. But..... :-) Hope springs eternal!

  14. Ooooops!

    're-experince' should be re-experience. I am world's worst speller and too fast typist. :-)

  15. Wow you sure have been busy but it always feels so good once it's all done doesn't it!! I had to laugh at how Fern took over your chair! hehe


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