Monday, November 13, 2006

The Office~After

Here I am! It took longer than I expected, but it turned out much nicer than I expected, so I'm happy!

I cleaned up my paper mess....

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We cleared out the big pile of stuff and put a folding table and two chairs in its place.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My mom saved all of our homeschool science supplies and I'm so excited to have a place for them now. If you click on the picture and scroll over it, there are little notes.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover our microscope still works!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

A comfy reading chair if I can beat our kitty to it. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I also washed the curtains and all the glass squares. Who knew glass could get so dusty. ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I'm going to work on the bedrooms tomorrow but they aren't too bad, just some dusting and tidying up closets.

Thanks for looking!


  1. You have been one busy lady!! Okay, NOW I REALLY HAVE TO GET MY FEATHER DUSTER OUT. . LOL:)

  2. Kelli -

    It looks beautiful -- so clean and sooo shiny! It's great to get organize isn't it? always makes me feel like a new woman (lol)! I love your wall of books -- :oD -- one can never have too many books or bookshelves ;o)!

    It is awesome to have a science corner, and I love all your "stuff." (Before we reorganized and shipped south some items for our move,) I used to keep our science things in a lower kitchen cabinet and our microscope in a corner on the kitchen counter. Yes -- I got asked what it was by all first time visitors. And some were even quite excited when they found out we had dead things under the counter for dissecting, but others -- well . . . ;o)! A dedicated science area is such a great thing; I know you'll enjoy it! :o)

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Job well done, Kelli! The "man room" is looking great! How nice to have a science area. We keep our nature things on one book shelf in the school room, and the microscope and that sort of thing are on top of my computer desk, while everything else is in the schoolroom closet. It would be nice to have everything in one place as you've done.

  4. Now will you come do mine???Please?

  5. Your school room looks so good I am sure that you will not know where any thing
    I love the reading corner and the chair and I hope you get to sit and enjoy all the wonderful books that you have......A good job and well done........

  6. You did a great job. Are you a second generation homeschool mom?

  7. You did a good job. I find the hardest part is keeping it that way!

  8. Wow, what a great job you did! Now you realize you can't use the room because it will get all messy again! lol I just love the way you rearranged everything and that chair in front of the bookcase is lovely!!

  9. What a busy bee you are! I always enjoy it when I get things nice and organized. Only wish they'd just stay that way!

  10. This is so encouraging!
    I need to clean before holiday company...but in December so I can continue to procrastinate for a bit...!

  11. Marci, both Phillip and I are second generation homeschoolers.


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