Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday~The Office and Schoolroom~Before

I decided to start with the office, or "Man Room" as Phillip calls it. :0) It is the room that needs the most work and Phillip is home today to help me with the heavy stuff.

Most of the paper mess on the desk is mine. Oops!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Alot of the papers won't get sorted until after the New Year. Our main goal is to get everything moved out and to set up a card table where we can put our homeschool science supplies.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Can you guess how often we use the weight bench? ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Well, there you have it! Fortunately, the schoolroom just needs it's regular dusting and vacuuming. Hopefully I'll be back tonight with the "after" pictures. If not, don't call me, I won't be able to hear you from under all the paper!


  1. Our weight bench was used FOR YEARS as a place to hang clothing on. Now it lives in the cellar and the mice probably hold nightly dances on it.
    Your room looks very tidy now! GOod work!

  2. we have a room, actaully its meant to be part of our bedroom. We built on, but for the last ummm, too many years, it has stayed a seperate room. It has a window into our bedroom, no glass but, its a window, frame and all along with a door into the bedroom. This room has the computer, a desk, a treadmill and an eliptical machine. Its always cluttered. Always needing the door shut when company comes. Maybe I should work on cleaning it up. You have inspired me to work on this, "man room".

  3. My exercise rowing machine is holding up the wall downstairs! lol Good luck in getting that room all sorted's a big job but so worth it once it's all done:-) Heyyyy I see you hiding under that pile of papers!!! hehe

  4. Some friends of our owned a "Nordic Track" that we all nicknamed "Nordic Rack" because everyone hung their coats on it and it was never used as a treadmill :)

  5. I'm trying to get caught up on blogs after being away for a few days. Love your Thanksgiving banner, yeast rolls and gingerbread.
    Glad you're feeling better!

  6. My holiday cleaning has to begin this weekend... AFTER the slumber party! LOL! My older dd is turning 10 on Thursday and her big day is on Friday... and then I'm hosting 10 or 11 for Thanksgiving. I'm ITCHING to get started, but there's too much to do in front of it all!

  7. Beck, our kitty used ours as a scratching post..LOL.

    Patty, we always close the doors when company is here too!

    Hi Pea! I'm glad to hear you are putting your exercise equipment to good use. ;0)

    Amy, that is hilarious!!

    Thank you Sue. :0)

  8. Hi Mrs. Pivec, good thinking on waiting to clean up after the party! You have a busy weekend coming up, but it sounds like lots of fun!


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