Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday Dinner

I am feeling much better today. Thank you for the get well wishes! We had a quiet, family Sunday dinner this afternoon.

Anna from Pleasant View Schoolhouse wrote a wonderful post on making soup this week and I used her tips to make a big pot of Vegetable Noodle soup.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My friend Dot, over at Beaneath the Shady Oak shared her yeast roll recipe with me and they were the best rolls I've ever had!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Dot's Yeast Rolls

This recipe works best if you have a large stand mixer. If you don't, go ahead and make it anyway. Just beat and beat the dough really well as you add the flour.

1 cup buttermilk
2 pkg. dry yeast
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
4-1/2 to 5 cups flour

Warm the milk in a small saucepan over low heat. Mix 1/3 of the milk with the dry yeast in a small bowl and let sit until bubbly. In a large bowl, combine remaining milk, melted butter, salt and sugar and beat until the sugar is dissolved. Then add the beaten eggs and bubbly yeast.

Add flour, 1/4 cup at a time, beating on high speed of stand mixer. This step should take at least 5 minutes. When the dough gets too stiff to beat, stir in rest of flour by hand, if necessary, to make a soft dough. Turn out onto floured surface and knead for 5 minutes, until smooth and satiny. Place dough in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and let rise in warm place until light and doubled in size. (I have also covered the dough well and placed it in the refrigerator overnight. This works really well.)

Punch down the dough and divide up as evenly as possible into 24 pieces. Then divide each piece into 3 small pieces, rolling with your hands to make little balls. Put 3 balls into each muffin tin.

Cover rolls, and let rise again until double. (If you refrigerated the dough, this will take a little longer.)

Bake rolls at 350 degrees F for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan immediately and brush with melted butter. Makes 24 rolls.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I also made Anna's Gingerberead and it was perfect.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

•Schoolhouse Gingerbread•

Combine and beat until smooth:

1 c. sugar
1 c. molasses
1 c. oil
3 eggs

In another bowl mix:

3/4 t. salt
1 t. cloves
1 t. ginger
1 t. cinnamon
2 c. flour
2 t. baking soda

Add to first bowl, then stir in:

1 c. boiling water.

Bake in greased and floured 8x8 pan at 350 for 45 minutes.

I sprinkled a little powdered sugar on the top. A dollop of whipped cream would be yummy too.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank you Anna and Dot, for making our Sunday dinner so delicious today!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

With Thanksgiving and the Christmas holiday's not far off, I decided to do a little "Holiday Cleaning" this coming week. I haven't been doing my weekly cleaning schedule for the past month, instead, just doing a over-all cleaning each Friday. As a result, I have some areas that aren't looking too clean! I will be posting before and after pictures, as well as some of my favorite things from each room.

Tomorrow I will be cleaning the office and schoolroom. Let me know if you'd like to join me in getting our homes sparkling clean for the upcoming holidays!


  1. My oh my! ONe of these days I'm going to show up for your Sunday dinner! Kelli, the rolls look just exactly like mine!

  2. Dot, come take them away...I can't stop eating them!!!

  3. We have the same problem here!

  4. Mmm...that looks *so* yummy! We'll be reheating something from the freezer tonight thanks to my cleaning frenzy on Friday :) Thank goodness for bulk cooking!

  5. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Mmm! Those rolls and gingerbread look so good. If I use Mom's bread mixer do you think the time of kneading would be equal to hand-kneading?
    I didn't know gingerbread took so much molassis. I bet they are rich! I'd like them with vanilla ice cream I bet! I haven't even had enough time to make fall leaf shaped cookies this fall, but I'm gonna really try to make these both!

  6. Yes~ I'll join you on your cleaning challenge!
    I desperately need some accountability for a major overhaul! Our home looks presentable, but I'd like it to be even better. Besides, I'd like to be able to walk through the basement without fear!
    PS~ Can we come over for dinner? :)

  7. Kelli posted: "I am feeling much better today."

    Oh Kelli, I've been away from "Pretty Blog Land" for a few days, and I missed seeing that you were under the weather. I really hope it's over and done with!

    Your Sunday dinner looked yummy, per usual. Now don't give yourself a relapse of feeling poorly, by doing too much hard cleaning this week! :-))))

  8. This looks like the perfect dinner for a cozy autumn or winter evening.
    I'm glad to hear that you made it into the garden and that you feel better. We're coming up on a busy time of year and need to take care to get enough rest to see us through.
    I'm trying to clean and organize things right now too, so that I can enjoy all the holiday festivities.
    Take care Kelli.

  9. Oh dear what have I missed in not stopping by in awhile..will have to catch up after posting this comment.Good that you feel better and how with all this wonderful food I see..mmm good! I must print out the recipes and try them! Thank YOU Kelli for sharing ...big HUG NG :)

  10. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Everything looks wonderful.
    Glad to see you are feeling better.
    Mrs. Q

  11. I'm sorry you've been sick, but glad you're better. Sorry for the lateness; I find my online time is very sporadic these days. :]

    I'm so going to have to make those rolls!

  12. Kelli, I'm so glad you are feeling better! Your Sunday dinner looks like the perfect Autumn meal. Those rolls look so wonderful and with your high recommendation I have decided I am going to be making them for our Thanksgiving meal! In regards to your cleaning challenge, I have my duster ready!!

  13. My husband loves gingerbread so I'll try this recipe for him. Thanks for sharing.

  14. What a delicious looking meal! I cannot wait to try your recipes!

  15. Your rolles and others are looking very delicious! Thanks for the recipe.


  16. Anonymous8:17 AM

    WOW! Sunday dinners are nice huh???

    BTW...I think this is my first time to your blog...feel free to stop by and say hello at mine as well!

  17. Hi Kelli - can you guess who is wearing her new jumper this morning? Your meal looks yummy! I would like to join the cleaning for Christmas crew, but I've already decided I can't do it alone, so I'm going to hire a cleaning lady friend for a few days to help with the heavy work. I am finally beginning to accept the limitations of my illness and not try to do it all myself. Besides ... sewing is way more fun than cleaning! You've inspired me to share my Perfect Sunday Dinner Rolls, so I'll post that later today!

  18. Goodness gracious!! This meal looks WONDERFUL!!! The soup!! The rolls!! The gingerbread!!!

    That's it... I'm moving next door!! :)

    Mrs. U

  19. had this delicious dinner on Sunday and didn't invite me???? Gosh, it sure all looks so yummy...I'll copy the recipes and that might be MY Sunday dinner next week:-)

  20. Wow I'm hungry now...that was fabulous Kelli :)

    Those rolls had me drooling LOL

  21. I made the scrumptious gingerbread to share with my (extended) family tonight. What a treat!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.