Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Good Morning! It feels like the perfect day to hibernate under the warm covers, but I bought some pansies last week that really need to be planted. The inside of my house is looking pretty tidy, well, except for the closets, but we won't talk about that! The front and backyard definitely need a little attention.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I trimmed the bushes last weekend so I'm glad that is out of the way. I love the cozy, overgrown cottage-y look but I don't think this is what they had in mind.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Much better!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

This morning, I'm going to concentrate on the flowerbeds. I have some fresh dirt and mulch to add, along with the flowers.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Our squirrel, Walnut was determined to get into the suet this week and it looks like he succeeded! wonder I can't get any woodpeckers to visit.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, stuffy head, sore throat but I think the fresh air will do me some good. I'll post "after" pictures when I'm finished. Have a wonderful Saturday!


  1. Hi Kelli- it is too wet and chilly here to do much in the garden - we are spending a quiet family day with no time pressures! A good day for games in front of a crackling fire! The Rainy Day box of crafts will come out soon as we have tired of reading and playing for now! I am certainly enjoying your blog - I love to see the lovely things you are doing in your home. Blessings!

  2. My goodness! Doth mine eyes deceive me? Green leaves!!

    I hope you're feeling better soon Kelli. Having a cold is no fun at all.

  3. Hope you recover quickly!

  4. I was planning to get into my garden this weekend but it was rain all day yesterday and SNOW today! Yuck. It always does snow for the first time in November here but it is always a shock. I'm British and it's just not proper to snow so early! Humph.

    We went shopping instead and bought a hot carpet for our stove. Tonight we have to hook it all up - eek.

  5. That's why closets have that we can close the doors on the mess inside!! lol Hope you're feeling much better soon...I guess this is the time of year for all the colds and flu though!

  6. Did you get everything done outside? I haven't a garden here to putter in, so I am envious.

    How's your cold?? Plenty of Hot and Sour soup will unclog your head in no time! Feel better soon.

  7. Hi Heather, I hope you had a wonderful family day. Games in front of a crackling fire sounds great!

    Amy, I guess I shouldn't tell you that our bushes stay green year round? :0) We do lose all the leaves off our tree though!

    Thank you, Clarice and Dot. Tylenol works wonders!

    Hi Vicky, I think November is too early for snow too! Your new carpet looks very comfy. Stay warm!

    Thank you Pea, you are right about the closet doors. hehe.

    Hi Terri, I got all the pansies planted and put down 3 bags of dirt and 5 bags of mulch. It is amazing how much mulch helps things look so neat and tidy. :0)



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