Tuesday, November 21, 2006

~Comfort Box~

I was reading one of my favorite books, The Book of Stillmeadow by Gladys Taber yesterday and came across a wonderful idea in the December chapter....

My great-great-Grandfather was a minister in Boston, and among the relics in his little haircloth, brass-studded trunk I found this week something which pleases me very much. It is a small yellowed box labeled “Comfort Powders.” Inside were thirty folded papers such as were used for powders by the old family doctors, folded at each end to keep the medicine from spilling. On each folded paper is a message, to be read for the day.

This is a lovely idea, I think, and bears repeated. For starting a new day with a beautiful thought might help us all. Grandfather’s comfort powders were Biblical, naturally. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Even though we have medicine in the form of pills nowadays, I loved the main idea and went off to look for a box to make my own Comfort Box.

I found an empty wet wipe box in the bathroom and covered the top with some matching paper. I wrote the same message on mine that was on Grandfather's box.

~Take one each morning with a generous dose of cheerfulness and thanksgiving.~

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

~Good for the mind and heart, will promote love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.~

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I numbered 31 small pieces of paper, one for each day of the month. Index cards would work really well too.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I wrote down various Bible verses. Today's message is, The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 I was thinking of making a few for Christmas gifts.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

In a world still uneasy, these are good words to hear. And as we hear the daily news, we might feel a world of peace was a most vain illusion. But under the snow, violets sleep, and in the world there are still love, gentleness and goodness.


  1. This is a wonderful idea. You know, these would make lovely gifts for friends and family, or anyone in need of some encouragement.

  2. What a sweet idea, Kelli.

  3. HiKelli, I so enjoy your blog and every post, because you are always ccoming up with a new and wonderful idea I am going to make one for a hostess gift for Thanksgiving day. Thank so much.

  4. Kelli, this is such a lovely idea. It reminds me of the "Daily Bread" scripture cards my grandparents had on their table.

    Thanks for the idea. I'll have to see what I have around here to make the same project.

  5. What a heartwarming idea that is!! I love the way you made yours and I've no doubt they will make wonderful gifts also:-)

  6. Ohhhhh..... You too love Gladys Taber! How nice to know.

  7. This is a lovely idea Keli - thank you so much! I keep a JOY box with cards and letters that have lifted my spirits in the past, and special Scriptures written on index cards. I suffer with depression on the dull days, especially following a migraine, so I got through my JOY box and it makes my heart sing to read the lovely things folks have written, and to see God's faithfulness in His Word.

  8. I love this idea KElli! Thank you so much for sharing it. What a great gift for someone who needs encouragment or comfort!

  9. Gladys Taber is a wonderful author. I adore her books and I have for years. There is a delightful site dedicated to her. My friend Susan is the host. Please visit. http://groups.msn.com/StillmeadowFriends/


  10. Hi Kelli,

    I want to wish you a Happy Thankgiving.



  11. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I love meeting people who love Gladys Taber..I am collecting her books and inherited my first one from my mom.


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