Monday, November 20, 2006

~Thanksgiving Menu~

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My mother-in-law came over for lunch yesterday and we put the finishing touches on our Thanksgiving menu. We are both making a turkey and stuffing, and of course deviled eggs. You can never have enough of those! ;0) We split up the sides and desserts to make the cooking easier. In additon to the 5 in our family, we will be having Phillip's parents and two brothers over, a friend from church, and a couple that we've been friends with for several years and their 2 children.

I am so excited about this coming week. I'm looking foward to a house full of family and friends (and pumpkin pie!). The kids are counting down the days until they can watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." I told them they have to wait until Friday!

Here is our Thanksgiving Menu. It is subject to change depending on how full my grocery cart gets today. ;0)

~Deviled Eggs
~Crackers and Brie
~Pickles and Olives

~Roast Turkey
~Cornbread Stuffing
~Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
~Sweet potatoes with Marshmallows
~Corn with red peppers
~Waldorf Salad
~Cranberry Sauce
~Yeast Rolls

~Pumpkin Pie
~Pecan Pie
~Apple Pie
~Pumpkin Roll
~Orange Fluff

As you can see, we will have enough food until Christmas! Leftovers are nice though, especially after all that cooking.

So, what is on your Thanksgiving menu?


  1. Sounds good! Got room at the table for a couple more folks? lol

  2. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Sounds like a nice menu! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  3. This year, my son's birthday falls the day before Thanksgiving (just like the year he was born).

    So I will be having the usual meal with leftover birthday cake!

    There will just be the three of us this year.

  4. Wow, can I come over!?? That menu looks yummy!


  5. Sounds like a feast, Kelli. I am cooking the usual turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy & pies. Haven't decided on the sides yet...

  6. kelli, I can see your message box but the bottom part is still missing so I can't type into it. I've already forgot what I was going to type anyway. lol

  7. Kelli, your menu sounds delicious! I just wanted to "pop" in and wish you and your family a most blessed and special Thanksgiving Day!
    Susan P.

  8. It sounds just wonderful! I think I'll come to your house for Thanksgiving dinner.

  9. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Sounds wonderful Kelli!

  10. oh my, what a feast ! Sounds sooooo good

  11. I feel hungry just reading your menu! As you know, we Canucks had thanksgiving long ago :) I'll have to wait until Christmas for a meal like this!

  12. Hello, Kelli! Deviled eggs are so delicious and they go so fast!

    Happy Thanksgiving


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.