Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Thanksgiving Decorations~Part 1

The girls and I had a fun time at the craft store this past weekend. Things kept jumping into our shopping cart. ;0)

I saw this idea for Beaded Napkin Rings in the October 2003 issue of Martha Stewart.

Choose embroidery floss or ribbon that matches your dishes. Wrap around a rolled napkin so the ends meet in the front. Thread through the bead. If you use ribbon, make sure your bead has a large enough hole.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I chose an orange bead and a single strand of gold embroidery floss.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I found "already-made" placecards in the scrapbook section. I added a sweet acorn stamp. I love acorns!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is the finished setting with the placecard at the top of the plate.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is another way to use any stamps you might have. I like to frame the corner of an envelope and have the stamp "float right off the edges." Make sure you place a piece of paper underneath so you don't get ink on the table. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Sixteen days until Thanksgiving!

The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway -
Thanksgiving comes again!
- Anonymous


  1. The napkin ring looks beautiful and delicate. I love acorns also, and was just looking at an acorn stamp about a week ago...at Michael's I think. Now that I've seen how wonderful your cards look, I really want to go back and buy that stamp!

  2. Very cute ideas! I love the napkin rings and the name cards are adorable!

  3. All these just really say fall. I love how you let the acorn just drift off the envelope..

  4. What a delightful idea and one I'm writing down so I won't forget!! Your place setting looks just beautiful!!! I find it so funny how you are all getting ready for Thanksgiving when ours was on Oct. 9th!! hehe xoxo

  5. Gorgeous! You've just gotta love Martha. My in-laws gave me a subscription this year for my birthday and I'm loving all the inspiration.

    Just popping in to get your buttermilk biscuit recipe to make with my soup tonight :)

  6. Great ideas, Kelli! Your table will be so lovely at Thanksgiving not just because of the decorations but because y'all are such a loving family!!

  7. Everything that you've shown us is so pretty Kelli. I love simple but elegant things like this. What a wonderful job you've done!
    Acorns have captured my attention this fall as well. I found some little tiny ones the other day...perfect for doll making.

  8. Great ideas Kelli! Very elegant and classy!

  9. What a beautiful place setting Kelli. I love the acorn touch.

  10. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Very nice. I like the way you stamped the envelopes, too.

  11. I really like the ideas you shared Kelli! Fall/Thanksgiving is a favorite time of the year for me.

  12. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Beautiful Kelli!

  13. I envy you crafty people. I wish I was more like that. It all looks very beautiful!

  14. What lovely ideas, Kelli! I am such a Fall lover and I love things decorated with acorns:) I especially loved your acorn stamp!! I'm sure your Thanksgiving table is going to be just beautiful and the food will be very tasty, too! BTW, what's on the menu?

  15. The table decoration is so beautiful, just the kind of delicate, elegant thing that appeals to me. Martha Stewart does have some great ideas doesn't she? I love the acorn place cards too.Sorry the comment took so long appearing - we have Blogger to thank for that!

  16. Kelli next time you write me...do it on that paper with the acorns. I brought some big ones home from the mountains. Kelli quite reading MS....publish your own magazine!! You could do it!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.