Wednesday, November 08, 2006

~Trees of Thanksgiving~

We have been making this fun and simple Thanksgiving Tree for a few years now. Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away, so it is the perfect time to start one with your family!

Draw a tree trunk and branches on a piece of brown construction paper. Cut out and attach to a wall or bulletin board. I used two 12x12 pieces of paper, so our tree is 2 feet high and 1 foot wide. I put it on a kitchen wall, down by the floor trim.

The girls and Benjamin have each added a leaf to our tree already.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Cut leaf shapes out of colored construction paper. Each morning, write down something you are thankful for and place the leaf on a tree branch.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

After a week or two, your Thanksgiving Tree will be full of blessings and thanksgivings, for everyone to enjoy!

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 106:1

Another tree I want to show you, stands in our neighborhood. We've lived in Texas for 10 years and I have *never* seen a tree so brilliant in color!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It reminds me of my very favorite Autumn poem. I hope you enjoy it!

The north wind came along one day,
So strong and full of fun;
He called the leaves down from the trees
And said, "Run children run".

They came in read and yellow dress,
In shaded green and brown,
And all the short November day
He chased them round the town.

They ran in crowds, they ran alone,
They hid behind the trees,
The north winds laughing found them there
And called "No stopping please"

But when he saw them tired out
And huddled in a heap,
He softly said, "Goodnight my dears,
Now let us go to sleep."


  1. What a timely post! I was just thinking that I wanted a Thanksgiving related activity with my children. Thank you for the idea. I'm in Texas too and I've been anxiously waiting for the trees to start turning color, they are so beautiful here in East Texas.

  2. This is such a great idea Kelli, I am definitely going to do it with the kids, I want them to learn to be thankful for everything they have :)

    And you know kids, the only way they appreciate it is if they are able to participate in it :)


  3. Kelli what a good idea....will you share later on what your kids are thankful would be nice.

  4. Kelli, where were you when my kids were little to give me all these wonderful ideas as that Thanksgiving tree??? lol What a brilliant idea! That tree in your neighbourhood is also gorgeous and the poem is perfect for this time of year:-)

  5. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I love the idea for the tree and the poem...I'll be adding that one to my journal! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I love that tree idea! I'll have to work that into our unit study next fall.

  7. Ahh Mother Nature shows off her fiery reds!


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