Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Victorian Entryway

My friend, Sandra from Ravenhill Cottage just wrote a wonderful post on the comforts of a Victorian home. Based on her suggestions, I added a little something to my entryway. I also have plans to add a coat and hat rack, since our home doesn't have a hall closet.

I placed a small silver tray on the right side of the table. Long ago, it would have been used for calling cards, but now holds a few vintage Thanksgiving postcards.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I found the postcards while visiting a few antique shops this past weekend. Now I have the perfect spot to display them. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

One of the cards has a sweet note written on the back.

It reads:

November 24, 1913
My Dear Boy-
Just recieved the rose cutting. Thank you for them.
I have been sick, the reason I have not wrote to you.
Feel some better now, will write you a letter soon.
Glad you are well.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank you for the wonderful ideas, Sandra!

So often, Thanksgiving is rushed or overlooked in an effort to get on to the next holiday - Christmas. Going to the stores this time of year certainly doesn't help! Let us look for ways to slow down and enjoy this wonderful time with our family and friends. May our thankfulness spill over into the month of December, as we celebrate the true meaning of the season!


  1. Your arrangement is gorgeous, and I just love your antique postcards. What a lovely find!

  2. What a nice touch Kelli. Your table is very homey and inviting.

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I *love* the address on the card. The card is addressed simply to "Ben Elwood Hooker, Cal."

    That's it.

    There were more than 2.3 million people in California in 1913.

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    How pretty. I have missed your letters. Hope to hear from you soon.

  5. What a sweet note on the card!

    You've given me an idea of something to do with a tray I have.

  6. Aren't those old postcards fun? I think it's a little sad people don't send things in the mail anymore.
    God bless!

  7. I do believe you have my silver tray sitting on your table!

  8. Hmmm...this gets my wheels turning. I have an extensive collection of vintage calling cards and some silver trays. I'll have to see what I can come up with! Your postcards are lovely.

  9. I'm so happy you could use the ideas from my blog.

    Your entrance looks great and I love the postcards! I have a bunch of old ones too and will have to use my own ideas for displaying them. :o)

  10. How breathtaking! I simply adore the simplicity of Thanksgiving! Blessings!

  11. Thank you so much for pointing me to 'Ravenhill Cottage.' I visited. I am enthralled. I said Hello. I'm sure I'll visit there, often.

    All because of you.

  12. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Good thoughts!

  13. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Ooops, I hit submit before I was done (blush).

    Kelli - The table in the entry way is beautiful! The floral arrangment is gorgeous, and I love the silver tray with its vintage postcards. What a lovely display for your guests to see upon arriving in your home.

  14. Dot, I was hoping you wouldn't notice it was missing.

  15. What a decorative way to welcome visitors to your home! I love the antique postcards!

  16. Kelli, your entry table is just beautiful. It is such a wonderful sight for your guests to see as they enter your home. I love the silver tray with the vintage cards and the arrangement is just gorgeous!

  17. I love the way you did that little table up...very Victorian indeed and the vintage postcards are perfect there!!


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