Wednesday, November 01, 2006

~Welcome November~

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

November brings with it cold days and early evenings. Once again the fires are lit and the family draws hearthside.


Now the cold wind rattles
In the icy sedge,
And the sparrows ruffle
In the leafless hedge.

Past the wood and meadow,
On the frozen pool
All the boys go skating,
When they come home from school.

The river too was frozen;
I saw it far away,
And wished that I could trace it,
Skating night and day.

Up to where the ice-bergs,
On the polar sea,
Float, like glittering castles,
Waiting there for me.
-K. Pyle

Source: Mrs. Sharps Traditions by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Photo from


  1. I love that picture, I have it in My Pictures, too. I own that book the poem is from. Kindred spirits!

    Hmmm...perhaps we can meet for tea and crumpets over the back Blogger fence?


  2. Hi Kelli! Happy November 1st ~ where is the time going?? Hope you had a great Halloween!

  3. What a cozy post! I love poetry, and the picture suits it beautifully. Happy November! :o)

  4. I LOVE the poem! The picture just looks so warm and cozy, I wish I was sitting there right now. :o)

  5. I must say, I looked in your 'INTERESTS' section in your profile-and you and I seem like TWINS. I mean, right down to the jot and tiddle. I can't believe there is someone SO like me...even loving fairies! Sheesh! I am glad you found me so that I could find you! :-)

  6. Would love to be sitting in the chair in that picture...nothing like sitting cozily in front of a fire when it's blowing and cold outside!! The poem is very beautiful too!

  7. What a lovely cozy looking picture, I'd like to sit in that room and knit. Enjoyed the quote and the poem too.

  8. Brenda, tea and crumpets sound wonderful. I'll put on the kettle!

    Laurie, I can't believe it's November either!

    Thank you, Jodi!

    Flora, I would love to join you. :0)

    Clarice, sounds good to me too!

    Hi Rebecca, we do have lots in common!

    Pea, this morning would have been perfect for a fire. Brrrrr...

    Hi Rowan, I'm glad you enjoyed it!



I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.