Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dressing Up!

We had lots of fun last night and got a ton of candy. I never know what to do with it all. Do we let them have one piece a day for the next 6 months? Do we let them pick out a certain number of their favorites and take the rest to the dentist to trade in for prizes? Do we throw it out when they aren't looking? (We wouldn't really do that!!) Do mini chocolate bars make nice Christmas presents? ;0)

Grace dressed up like a cowgirl and her doll Molly, looked like her twin!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Emily was a pink fairy, complete with my dangly earrings. It's been about 8 weeks since getting her right ear re-peirced so she was very excited!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Benjamin was a friendly pirate!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here are some pictures of their costumes, from the past few years.

I sure miss those baby teeth grins!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

A pretty pink princess.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

A ballerina mouse!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Last but not least, we have a pretty doctor, a sweet elephant and look at my cute little Eyeore!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I hope you enjoyed them!


  1. Loved the pictures!! Kids are so cute all dressed up, aren't they?

    Oh, on the OFT messageboard last night (in the October Journal) I posted what we do about the candy. :)

  2. So sweet!! It was really cold and snowing here so my kids only made it to ten houses. But, their buckets were already stuffed!

  3. The kids are so cute!

    I used to sneak a good bit of the candy when my kids weren't looking!

    Revee, has a neat way of giving it out at her house.

  4. Great pictures. I love the costumes.

  5. Beautiful children! The costumes are very creative! Did you sew them yourself??

  6. Hmmmm...I would say, give 'em a piece or two and then sock the rest underneath your pillow. Trust me-in my home, they wouldn't last long enough to melt!

    Very cute costumes to go along with the cuties within!

  7. Awww what darling costumes through the years!! I have a lot of leftover candy and I just know they will all be on my hips soon! lol

  8. How cute. I miss those days of having children dressing up for halloween

  9. My girls took their dolls trick-or-treating too. :) Glad to see you had a good and safe time. Costumed kids are always darling - your's are no exception. Very sweet.

  10. Love to see them dressed cute! Your pie below is awesome, too....such a neat idea with the little leaves for the top crust!!

  11. Oh that Eeyore outfit is just too cute! Maybe I can get Matthew to be Eeyore next year! :)


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