Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Christmasy Kitchen

As we make our way into the kitchen, watch out for the mistletoe! This is a favorite spot in our house. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My fern plant wasn't doing so well in my bedroom so I moved it to a top shelf in the kitchen. My mom painted the poinsetta plate when I was little and I added my candle tart warmer and silk poinsettas to tie everything together.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I drapped a garland of poinsettas along the top of my hutch and got out my silver tea set which was a $7.00 yardsale find!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I found these pear ornaments at the craft store and for some reason fell in love with them! Phillip has been kind enough to humor me, they are after all *pink.* ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here's another one of my Martha Stewart ideas. Since I can't go skating on a real pond, I created a mini one in my kitchen!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I added little mini wreaths, made from gold and white beads to the backs of the chairs. I like how they look but I never realized how close I come to the chairs, while walking through the room. I should count all the beads I knock of these things each day!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Dot, you asked about the Christmas goodies. They are hidden in the pantry, bottom shelf on the left. ;0)

Well, that's the end of the tour. Thank you for coming along!!


  1. Your kitchen decorating is my favorite so far. So pretty and old fashioned. I love the vignette with the plate. Simple and just right. I like the tray...what a nice idea. I'm going to add a little mirror pond to my snow village this year. It's very small scale and I'm hoping a mirror will give me the effect I want. The way you share your preparations Kelli, make me feel more in the mood. Thank you.

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Another beautiful and Christmassy room!
    Thanks for sharing your home with us Kelli!
    I need to get busy and finish up the decorating or Christmas will have come and gone!
    Wishing you a blessed day!

  3. Kelli, you have a talent for decorating! Thanks for telling me where the treats are. LOL.

  4. Oh my! That mini Pond Scene in the kitchen!! Oh you are sooo talented.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I have enjoyed your tour so much! The tiny wreaths on the back of the chairs are such a special touch. :o)

  6. I adore the wreaths on your chairs! How are they attached?

  7. Thanks for the tour through your beautiful home. You have many good decorating ideas and I can see you have a very good eye for decorating. It is so much fun to mane our house a home..........

  8. Hi Kelli, I've enjoyed looking at the pictures of your beautifully decorated home...very festive!

  9. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Your home looks beautiful and festive. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Kelli,
    You have such a flair for decorating!
    What a find on the silver tea service for $7.00!
    Don't you just love bargains like that!

  11. i love sugary-looking fruit ornaments and decorations. they're so old-fashioned but so sparkly and fabulous at the same time.

  12. I love your little "skating party". What a great idea to use a silver tray and fake snow. You have such great and creative ideas!

  13. I just love all your decorations and the way you decorated the kitchen!! I had seen that idea in a magazine before, putting wreaths behind chairs...that or big bows:-)

  14. Kelli, Your home looks truly beautiful ~ I think my favorite decoration is the ice skates, I have a "thing" for ice skates!!
    Blessings and hugs...

  15. Kelli, everything looks beautiful! I'm with you on the pear ornaments~very cute. The pond is very clever, maybe I will add one to my Christmas village as Mrs Staggs suggested.

  16. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Oh Kelli your house is so pretty. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  17. Kelli, thank you so much for opening up not only your home but also your heart:) Both are beautiful and reflect one another! BTW, I am in love with the little skating pond, I WANT ONE!!

  18. Wow, that's beautiful! I wish I had a smidgen of your talent. Your family surely must love having a wife/mother like you. I hope they realize how special that is.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.