Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Christmasy Livingroom

Good Morning! Thank you for all the sweet comments yesterday! Today I'm going to show you around the livingroom.

Since we got a real tree this year, I was able to cut off some of the lower branches to use on the entertainment center, coffee table and mantle. Our stockings have been hung by the chimney with care. ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We found this village nativity on sale after Christmas, many years ago. The houses light up at night.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I use these candle sticks year round and just change out the rings. For Christmas I made some from greenery, pinecones and holly berries.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We have a small collection of Chrismtas books and I went to the library this past Sunday and got alot more. It looks like Fern is getting a head start on her reading. ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is my coffee table. I got the idea for my "Rustic Woodland Scene" from the December 2003 Martha Stewart. I glued cinnamon sticks around paper covered candles. I found the deer figurines at Michael's. I like to use the word "rustic" when things are uneven or you can see dried hot glue..hehee.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I added red bows to the scones in my livingroom, in addition to the ones in the entryway.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I had a little of the tree trimmings left so I gathered them up with some ribbon and berries and placed one on each of the windowsills in my livingroon. I nestled a candle in the greenery.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thanks for taking a look. I will show you the kitchen and dining room next!


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Love the llok - very welcoming
    Merry Christmas Kelli and family :0)

    God bless,

  2. LOVE it Kelli, you always thrill me with your decorations, your house looks so inviting :)

    God bless,

  3. You mean there's MORE?!?! WOW!

    I adore the cinnamon stick candles-and I think I might make some of those for gifts this Christmas! Great idea!

    Check out my site next week to see what we used the trimmed branches from our tree for! :-)

  4. I wish we had a fireplace!

    I didn't know Fern was a bookworm. :)

  5. That Fern likes to be where the action is, doesn't she? :o)

    Everything looks so cozy Kelli --- great job.

  6. Very very nice! I especially love your mantel, it looks like a painting!

  7. Beautiful Kelli! When you show the kitchen be sure you show where the cookies and other good stuff is kept!

  8. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Absolutely darling Kelli!

  9. Kelli, once again, it looks BEAUTIFUL!!! You remind so much of Susan at A Place Called Home- you both have a wonderful way of adding even the smallest touches to everything and making it look sooo lovely!!

    Mrs. U

  10. Oh Kelli, it all looks so very warm and inviting and I just LOVE your Rustic Woodland scene, gorgeous!! I had also seen that idea about wrapping a candle with cinammon sticks...maybe next year I'll do something like that too:-) Just love all your touches and that nativity scene is just beautiful too!!

  11. Your house is so beautiful! I love how peaceful and festive it looks!
    And my cat loves to curl up in our book basket, too! Maybe they're related!

  12. It is begining to look a lot like Christmas in your home and every thing is so pretty. You did a beautiful job and your home looks like it could be in the Martha Stewart magazine......so pretty

  13. Oh it's all so lovely! I can just smell the Christmas scents! I just love Fern! She pops up everywhere! :o) Thanks for showing us your beautiful home!

  14. Very nice! I never seem to have the time to decorate more than the tree:)

  15. very pretty Kelli ! Everything looks so festive and ready for Christmas

  16. Love your pictures...its going to be a cozy Christmas at your home..:)...I made those cinnamon candles a few years ago and gave them away as gifts..they were a hit!! Thank you for sharing your lovely decorated home with us!!

  17. Just noticed, it looks like you have a brick wall around your fireplace. Same here.

    I especially love the candle in greeery, on the livingroom windowsills. And I always love a little lighted group of houses.

  18. Your home is beautiful!
    the truffles look to die for delicious!
    thanks for sharing!


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