Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Anita, over at My Country Cottage Garden has tagged me to share some of my favorite Christmas songs. Here are a few of them...

1. O Holy Night ~ Mariah Carey
2. Walking in a Winter Wonderland ~ Anne Murray
3. Last Christmas ~WHAM
4. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus ~Jackson 5
5. I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas ~Gayla Peevey

A Christmas song list just isn't complete without....

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
Don't want a doll, no dinky Tinker Toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy!

You can listen to the whole thing here, it's adorable!

I have lots of other favorites but I'll stop at 5. If you would like to do this Meme, consider yourself tagged! Let me know in the comments so I can come visit you.

Photo from Art.com


  1. I love the Crazy Quilt style, and these hearts are so pretty! I've been wanting to do something with hearts, so I might try these.

    Thank you for sharing. I love visiting your blog. :)

  2. Anonymous1:01 PM

    It brought a smile to my face to see that you chose "Last Christmas" by Wham! as one of your favorite Christmas songs. I love that one, too! ("Last Christmas I gave you my heart...") :o)

    I am getting ready to post my faves. Hope you'll stop by! :o)

  3. Oh Kelli, thank you so much for mentioning my little ~ ~ hearts ~ ~! I feel deeply touched to learn that they were an inspiration to you! Your hearts are great as well and I am sure they will be perfect gifts for Christmas! Thanks a lot for sharing your photos!

    And I am pleased to see that you played that Christmas song game as well. Unfortunately, I am not able to listen to that hippo song, n° 1, 4 and 5 are unknown to me... ;-(( Walking in a winter wonder great should have been on my list, too!

    Happy sewing!

    P.S.: Me too, I faced lots of problems with blogger today as I did not (yet?) switch over tho the beta version.

  4. Oh Kelli, those hearts are just gorgeous...very well done!! Don't you love getting such neat ideas from other bloggers like that? hehe I also love all the songs you listed on your meme...I was listening to Wham's Last Christmas just this morning:-) I can't comment on anyone who has Beta Blogger either...grrrrrrr!!!

  5. Loved all your wonderful ideas today! So many creative things happen in your home, what an inspiration!

  6. You have made so many wonderful things for Christmas. Gifts straight from the heart are the nicest type.
    I think I'm being punished for not switching too! (except I tried and it won't let me switch)
    Quite a dilemma!

  7. Thanks for your well wishes, Kelli!

    How lovely! Do you have instructions on how to make them? I checked Anita's blog but didn't see instructions there. I'm just not good enough to make these on my own!

  8. Anita has the warmest hearts and yours
    are wonderful!I was blessed in recieving one from her which I posted!
    Fresh NEW look to your blog space!
    Ahhhh..I can smell your sweet smelling
    sachets! I love your song #4!
    ~*Happy Holidays Kerri!*~

  9. How very pretty!

  10. I love those little hearts--you have inspired me to try and make one:)

    Also, I just adore your blog--I finally figured out how to add links to my sidebar, can I add your blog?


  11. Hi Amanda, hope you are feeling better.
    To make the hearts, I printed out a heart template from the internet. I then cut it into 4's. Straight down the middle and across the sides. You could cut many different shapes though, I'm going to be more "crazy" next time. :0) Then, I traced the shapes onto fabric, cut them out and hand sewed them together. Iron the seams. Now you can add your lace, beads, embroidery stitches, etc. I did something on every seam. Sew on a backing, leaving a small hole for the stuffing. Do this with the right sides facing together, and then turn right side out. I chose to leave the hole at the top since the bow would help hide the stitches. Stuff your pillow gently, one of my beads came loose because I wasn't careful enough. Before sewing up the last bit of it, slip your ribbon loop inside. Add a bow and you are all finished! Let me know if you have any questions!

    Julieann, thank you so much for adding me on your sidebar!!!


  12. Cool! I will have to try these. Thanks. :)

  13. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Kelli, the hearts are lovely! What pretty things they are! I like that you added some lavender to the stuffing.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.