Thursday, December 14, 2006

Letters to Santa

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My children know that Santa Clause isn't real, but they still like to pretend and have fun. We make food (oats and cookie sprinkles) for the reindeer and sprinkle it along our front walkway. We put out oreos (Phillip's favorite cookie!) and milk every Christmas Eve. We pretend that he fills the stockings. He doesn't leave presents though, I want credit for those. ;0)

This morning, the girls and Benjamin decided to write letters to him. Here they are....

Grace says,

Dear Santa Clause,
I have been very good this year. For Christmas I would like a stuffed horse and the American Girl Molly movie. What are the reindeer doing right now? I am making them some food for Christmas Eve. And one more thing, I would like some red slippers.
Love, Grace

Emily says,

Dear Santa Clause,
I have been very good this year. How are you doing? I would like a teddy bear for Christmas and a Cinderella polly pocket set. I also want a *real* puppy but my mom says no.

Benjamin says,

Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I have been *really* good this year. I would like some airport legos for Christmas, please.
We are going to put out some oreos and milk for you on Christmas Eve. I hope you like them. I would also like a teddy bear for Christmas.
Love, Benjamin

It looks like my shopping list is nice and short this year. ;0) Have you had any interesting requests for gifts this year?


  1. Your children's letters really brought a smile to my face. (I love the "reindeer food" you leave on your walkway too!)

    PS Didn't it make you chuckle when you noticed that they had been *real* good? ;-)

    Have a great day!

  2. What sweet letters :)

    We also have Food for the reindeer and the kids get SO into it. :)

  3. What sweet children you have Kelli!
    How I wish my children were little again... (they are 14 and 16)
    Wishing you a blessed day!

  4. Very sweet letters! And ditto what Kelley said! kids are 16 and 18, and I do miss the days when they were little.

  5. We also pretended there was a Santa who filled stockings on Christmas morning. I think for both children, it was like an inside family joke (with a "wink, wink") and more fun than if they truly believed there was a Santa.

    My daughter wants me to get the book, "My Mommy Teaches Me" since she is homeschooling preschool and will begin homeschooling kindergarten next year. I'm going to get it for my grandaughter's birthday in February instead of Christmas, though.

  6. How sweet to read the letters to Santa. I have had a sweet request, which will be part of my Sunday blessings post.

  7. We don't celebrate Santa, but we have a birthday party for Jesus and the present our children most want to give Him this year is a goat!!! Last year we gave piglets and chickens through World Vison's gift catalog, and this year they have their eyes on a goat! As far as what they would like for themselves - it's playmobil all the way!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.