Monday, January 08, 2007

Sick Days

Grace, Emily and Benjamin have colds and awful coughs. Their eyes are watery and their noses are red. Today, they camped out in the livingroom and we watched "The Secret Garden" and "Little Women."

This afternoon, I bribed talked them into taking naps and then I got busy in the kitchen. I made two loaves of my very favorite bread.

Amish White Bread

2 cups warm water (110F)
2/3 cups white sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons active dry yeast
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup vegetable oil
6 cups white flour

1. In a large bowl, dissolve the sugar in the warm water, add yeast. Allow to proof until yeast resembles a creamy foam, about 10 minutes.

2. Mix salt and oil into the yeast. Work in 6 cups of flour. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface until smooth. Place in well oiled bowl, and turn once to coat the entire surface of the dough with oil. Cover with a clean damp cotton cloth. Allow dough to rise until double in size. (Mine took about an hour).

3. Punch dough down. Knead for a few minutes, and divide in half. Shape into loaves and place into well oiled 9x5 loaf pans. Allow to rise for 30 minutes.

4. Bake in a 350F oven for 30 minutes. When you thump the top of the bread it should sound hollow.

For a buttery crust, brush hot loaves with butter. Cool on a rack and enjoy!

Chocolate chip cookies help anyone feel better right? :0)

I also made a pot of chicken noodle soup for dinner. I added onion, fresh garlic and parsley.

They have been sleeping since 7:30 p.m so I'm praying after a good night's rest they will feel better. Please say a prayer for them tonight.


  1. I always feel bad when I hear little ones are sick. The good thing is that they usually bounce back so much faster than we do!
    Your chicken soup is a wonderful home remedy!
    I'll say a prayer for your little sweeties.

  2. You are so artistic, Kelli. Love the beautiful pics and recipes.

    Glad the post helped.


  3. Mmm, chicken soup is the best medicine for a bad cold:) Chocolate chip cookies are even better!! I hope your little ones feel better today and also that their Mama doesn't get one, too! Take care, all.

  4. That loaf of bread looks so good. Baking a good loaf of bread is my goal for this year. I think I'll try your recipe.

  5. The food sounds delicious! I hope the children are better soon!

  6. Kelli -

    I'm so sorry the wee ones are sick! -- but -- at least they all got it at once!! Nothing is worse than the sickies cycling one by one through the house. It takes forever to get everyone back on their feet.

    Chicken soup, chocolate chip cookies and homemade bread -- Mmmm -- that sounds like good medicine to me! ;o)

    Hope everyone is better soon and mommy stays healthy as well! Take care!

  7. I am praying that they feel better, soon. You are such a diligent mother, making such delicious comfort food. Grace, Benjamin, and Emily are definitely highly blessed!I hope your day today was better.

  8. Oh that sound so comforting and yummy! I hope your children are feeling better!
    Thanks for visiting my blog. ( Your comment was lost in the time blogger was down this morning...)
    Have a Happy New Year!

  9. So sorry to hear that your children are sick Kelli. Try to take care of yourself and try to take advantage to the times they are resting to get a little bit of rest too.
    Your baking and the soup look like just the thing to help everyone feel better...sick or not!
    Your entry looks so pretty.
    Best wishes!

  10. Your bread looks yummy yummy! Hope your kids get well very very soon!

  11. Ok....I have not felt good for 5 days and I wish you were my neighbor and you would send me a care package from your kitchen....It all looks so good. I am in Ohio so when you have time come and visit.. I have to get caught up on your other post now. Take good care of the little ones and hope they feel better soon.......SAharon K

  12.'s unpleasant when children are under the weather...but it sounds like you made the most of it! Get well wishes to your kiddos...and tell them to eat a cookie for me!

  13. Mmmmmmm Chocolate (anything) Chip Cookies!
    The bread looks yummy too; wonder if it would work in a bread machine?

  14. I'm sorry the children are sick, but I guess you have to expect some illnesses at this time of year! You have all the right 'comfort foods' to help them get through this season of illness! We made bread, oatmeal cookies, date squares, brownies and chocolate pudding today - all soft foods for a special little girl who got braces on her teeth today!
    I'll pray that the children are feeling well soon!

  15. Those cookies look delicious. Where's the recipe for those? :)

    Our children are sick too. I guess it's just going around.

  16. Hi! Your bread looks fantastic (I've been baking a lot of breads lately, but I use my handy breadmaker :-) )! Those cookies are adorable too - can we have the recipe for those also!?
    Hope your kids feel better tomorrow!

  17. Your bread looks so good!!!


  18. My family gets our spines adjusted on a regular basis to maintain a good immune system. No one out of both parents and 5 girls have been sick in over 4 years. Just a thought. My youngest is now 5 and my oldest is now 12. I have one daughter who is almost addicted to getting adjusted. When she has a slight headache or starts to get a scratchy throat, she begs me to get her adjusted. And what do you know, her symptoms are gone by the next day. Love your website by the way.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.