Sunday, March 25, 2007

Our Weekend

Hello everyone! Did you have a nice weekend? We had a busy, but fun weekend.

It started with Benjamin getting a much-needed haircut.

After the haircut, Phillip and Benjamin went to this small piece of land near our house. It looks like it's out in the country but there are office buildings right across the street!

Grace has named these horses "Star" and "Eggnog." They are very friendly and love to be petted.

We were expecting company for dinner so the girls and I made some bread. You can find the recipe here. I brushed on some butter as soon as they came out of the oven.

We had Roasted chicken and vegetables for dinner. I made a herb butter mixture for the chickens. I chopped up a few tablespoons of rosemary, thyme and parsley and mixed in about 3 tablespoons of butter. This will give it a nice brown color while it roasts.

I added red potatoes, carrots and onions. I did have to remove some of them so the chicken would brown. I also put about 1 cup of chicken broth in the bottom of the pan.

I cooked it on 400F for what seemed like forever! It did take 2 hours to cook but I think 1 chicken would take less time. I don't have any "after" pictures because we ate it all!

For dessert we had strawberry shortcake.

Last, but not least, here are some beautiful red roses that Phillip surprised me with on Friday.

Thank you for looking at the pictures from our weekend!

I didn't get everything done on my to-do list from last week, but should have them checked off by Tuesday. Plans for this week include putting winter clothes away and sorting through summer ones, more laundry lessons and exercising more than once! :0) What do you have planned for this week?


  1. Sounds like a nice weekend and the food looks wonderful.
    It's too early to think about bringing out summer clothes here in UK, I'm still firmly attached to my winter sweaters most days:)

  2. Sounds like you and the family had a beautiful Sunday! Food looks yummy, as always! :-) Have a great week!

  3. We all appear to have had wonderful sunshine over the weekend - luv the photo's of the horses - and their names too.

  4. Sounds like anice weekend. Your bread looks incredible!
    We had busy days here as well, mowing, rototilling, and cleaning closets. No wonder I'm tired!

  5. Kelli, I really enjoyed the pictures! Benjamin is such a cute little guy. The dinner looks delicious and what beautiful roses! Next time you bake those chickens get an "after baking" picture!

  6. The roses are beautiful! Your dinner looked wonderful. I loved roasted chicken!

  7. Oh Kelli that looks SOOOOO good!! And what did you do to get the roses....I need to know so I can get Danny to buy me some!!

  8. I sure wish we lived closer so I could be one of your dinner guests! ;-) You always put on a feast!

    Lovely of Phillip to get you those roses-my much coveted flower! ;-)

    I worked out 4 times this, if I could just continue on. I was very proud of myself.

  9. So glad your week-end was fun! Your meal looks like it was delicious, too. Your little one is much more patient than our little one was! Austin screamed at his Aunt Christie the whole time. LOL
    Alaina would be in hog heaven to live so close to horses.

  10. Your meal looks wonderfully appetizing! Those red roses are gorgeous and I bet they smell terrific.
    You asked what I'm up to?? Go to my site and peek at todays post (a picture is worth 1,000 words) LOL!

  11. You are a very talented women and after the visit to your blog I just want to go out to the kitchen and cook. Your meal looks wonderful. Hugs to you and your family.

  12. Your dinner looked so good! The bread was beautiful - I love how it looks with the butter on top. I also LOVE butter.

    I'm glad you had a good weekend. I enjoyed all of the pictures. My girls would love to live near some horses they could actually pet.

    Have a great week.

  13. thanks for showing all your photos of your weekend! Yummy! I'm going to have to copy down some of the recipes. The chicken and veggies looks delicious.

    I love that first photo of the horses and pasture area. It's so pretty.

    As far as my week goes: I'm catching up on cleaning today. I need to exercise everyday this week that is nice enough to get outdoors and go for a walk.
    I work 3 nights. Derek has cub scouts on Tuesday night. I babysit everyday. This weekend we will be having Easter with my husband's family. We are excited!!!

  14. How fun! The strawberry shortcake looks scrumptious. I bet your children just loved the horse farm. Blessings!

  15. Oh! I don't even want to THINK about sorting winter and summer clothes...though I know I will have to do it before too much longer.

    Your dinner looked wonderful. You had better stop describing them, though or you're going to have strangers showing up on your doorstep at meal time for taste testing! LOL (I'll be the one at the front of the line!)
    Have a wonderful day.

  16. Dear Kelli,
    Can I come to your house for dinner ~ everything you make sounds and looks delicious!!
    My plans for this week, include putting up more siding, painting, starting a Blessings journal and whatever else I can get into!!
    Have a lovely week!

  17. Scrumptious dinner, beautiful roses, and wonderful horses to pet! What a wonderful weekend:) Are those the horses you were afraid were going to have to leave because of the land being sold for a building to be put up?

  18. STrawberry shortcake and homemade bread are my favorites!!!!
    Great post and love the pictures.

  19. Your dinner looks delicious and sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I love the horse photos too.

  20. I really enjoy your blog. It finally struck me why. Your blog is like poetry. You see beauty in everyday things and share these finds with others. Thanks!

  21. I hope you don't mind me visiting your blog. I've seen your comments on several blogs I frequent and thought I'd take a peek at yours. I must say your blog is absolutely beautiful. The recipes you've posted look scrumptious too. Thanks for the beauty you bring to the blogging world.

  22. What do I have planned this week? Coming over to your house for dinner! lol Gosh, you always have such terrific meals and desserts cookin', it makes my mouth water!! Loved all the pictures...those horses are just gorgeous! Kelli, I found some of those speckled eggs I had asked you about...and yup, found them at Hallmark as you said! hehe I love them!! xox

  23. Hi Kelli! I love roasted chicken, but would you belive I have never put the veggies around chicken in the roasting pan - I do it all the time with beef and turkey breast ( unstuffed) - go figure! I'll get to it this week - I have some veggies in the crisper that either need to be roasted or kabobed! My rosmary is not coming back from the winter just yet, so I'll have to use some other herbs.

    As far as plans for this week - one day at a time , one foot in front of the other and another doctor's visit Wednesday - oh joy! God is able!

  24. The food looks so yummy!

  25. I always love your pictures!!! :) Sounds like a lovely weekend!

  26. Yum, that meal looks (even before hand) yummy. I'll have some of that strawberry shortcake please. ;)

    My daughter loves horses, so she would have liked to have joined you for that little visit.

    Glad you had a good weekend!

  27. Oh, yum! That meal looked delicious, It makes me feel like I want to go eat but it's almost 11 at night:( Oh well! Your flowers are beautiful, isn't it nice to be surprised with flowers? I, for one, will never get tired of receiving flowers, especially from my hubby;) I'm glad ya'll had such a good weekend!

  28. What a lovely dinner you planned out, to the very last detail! Wonderful! I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit and seeing all your pics!


  29. My goodness, that homemade bread and pie are just making my mouth water! Sure wish you lived closer so I could drop in on you around dinner time! (giggle)

  30. Of course I meant 'cake', not pie in my previous post. :o)

  31. Your meal looks delicious, especially the bread...reminds me of the bread my dear Gram made...pretty flowers, too!

  32. Wow you are such a good cook! That all looks so yummy. Beautiful flowers too. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend!

  33. Kelli, your dinner guests are so fortunate. You are a fabulous hostess.
    I can't wait til it's time to pack the winter clothes away!

  34. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, and OH the food looks sooooo good. :)

    Thanks for sharing the pics, I love seeing what you're up to :)


  35. Your bread looks delicious and gorgeous and the chicken YUM!

    Glad you had a great weekend.

  36. Kelli--what a lovely weekend you had:) The bread looks amazing, I am definately going to try it--I will post it when I do!!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday, Kelli:)


  37. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Dinner looks yummy.


  38. Wow, your food looks fantastic, as usual!!!
    I'm back to work the next few days, so I can put off changing out seasonal clothes a bit longer!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.