Monday, May 21, 2007

Queen Anne's Lace

It's time for free flower bouquets again! Queen Anne's Lace is in bloom here in Texas.

Queen Anne's Lace, is a common plant in dry fields, ditches, and open areas. It was introduced from Europe, and the carrots that we eat today were once cultivated from this plant.

It is best known for its flowers, were are tiny and white, blooming in lacey, flat topped clusters. Each little flower has a dark purplish center.

Queen Anne’s Lace is said to have been named after Queen Anne of England, an expert lace maker. English legend tells us that Queen Anne challenged the ladies of the court to a contest to see who could produce a pattern of lace as lovely as the flower of this plant. No one could rival the queen's handiwork. She however, pricked her finger with a needle and a single drop of blood fell into the lace, that is said to be the dark purple floret in the center of the flower.

Queen Anne, Queen Anne, has washed her lace
(She chose a summer's day)
And hung it in a grassy place
To whiten, if it may.

Queen Anne, Queen Anne, has left it there,
And slept the dewy night;
Then waked, to find the sunshine fair,
And all the meadows white.

Queen Anne, Queen Anne, is dead and gone
(She died a summer's day),
But left her lace to whiten in
Each weed-entangled way!

- Mary Leslie Newton


  1. I LOVE Queen Anne's lace, and I love the legend and poems too. I haven't seen any around here yet.

  2. Happy Belated birthday to Phillip! I somehow feel as if I know him a little through your posts Kelli. He seems like such a nice person and wonderful husband and father.
    I love Queen Anne's Lace too. It's one of my favorite flowers, but I usually only see it growing when I travel to our coastal beaches. It grows wild there, but doesn't seem to happy confined inside our city gardens.
    That coconut cake looks delicious!

  3. What a delicate looking flower! I love the verse that you've printed to go along with the pictures!!

  4. I've never heard of Queen Anne's lace but that bouquet looks very pretty!

    Oh, I would have loved to try a little piece of your coconut cake, it looks sooooo delicious (it's totally calorie-free, isn't it?) ;-)))

    Thanks for your nice comment on my pottery balls. My favourite are the ones wiht French lily, too.

    I am now working on a very huge ball with an ivy pattern. ;-)

    Have a wonderful day, Kelli!

  5. I love this flower, but know what I love even more???? The pitcher on your table!!

  6. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Lovely. And I love the poetry too. So pretty. Thanks. I feel as if I have been given a beautiful card and greeting.

  7. Wow! What beautiful Queen Anne's Lace!
    I drive by a vacant field almost every day and there are the most darling wildflowers... I am almost tempted to stop and gather some for the house to make bouquets!
    I just haven't gotten brave enough yet!
    Loved the poem...

  8. I love Queen Anne's lace. Thanks for the history lesson, and I love the poem.

  9. I love Queen Ann's Lace, but I haven't seen it since we moved from PA.

  10. I LOVE Queen Anne's lace!!! Where can I buy some to plant, do you know? Or does it only grow wild???

    When I was little and my grandma was still alive, she and I used to go on long walks and collect flowers for our bouquet for the dinner table. Queen Anne's Lace was our FAVORITE to adorn our table with. Every time I see it, I think of my grandma and smile!! She was WONDERFUL!!

    Mrs. U

  11. I haven't noticed any here yet but there is usually lots of it. I tried to pull one up one day so I could see the carrot but I was not successful!

  12. The Queen Anne's lace on your table is so lovely, Kelli! This post brought back great memories for me. When I was a young girl my Mama, Grammy and I would travel each summer to West Virginia to visit family. My Grammy LOVED Queen Anne's lace and I can remember her telling my Mama to "stop the car" at almost every mountain turn so that she could jump out and cut some!! She would take it home and press it and make beautiful pictures and notecards for family and friends:o)

  13. Thanks for giving us a little history on Queen Anne's lace. Very interesting! They look beautiful in that vase!

  14. It will be awhile before they bloom up here, but I love them too.

    I figured it was a type on the recipe, but was not sure if somehow it changed because of the note you put below it about the coconut flavoring. Thanks Kelli!!

  15. Oh, how pretty. Your Queen Anne's Lace makes a beautiful centerpiece! The little verse was perfect to go along with the pictures.

  16. Have you planted this yourself or is it growing wild somewhere nearby where you live? Quite lovely and I love the legend that goes along with it.

    Thanks for printing the Coconut Cake recipe. I think I'll try it when we get home from our trip!

    Blessings, Kelli! Have a great day!

  17. So pretty!!! They remind me a little bit of baby's breath:) I alway's enjoy coming here Kelli!!!


  18. Oh, how picturesque!! I love the Queen Anne's Lace in that blue pitcher on your runner. What a pretty scene!!

  19. Your flowers are so pretty.

    I wanted to let you know that I have a new blog address:
    Let me know if you can get through.
    I've so enjoyed blogging back and forth with you and didn't want to loose touch with you.

    A local guy posted some of our last names and town we live in and etc.
    I felt better changing my address.

  20. Such pretty Queen Anne's Lace! I am currently growning something similar in my yard. When it blooms, I'll post some pictures. My blooms will be purple and I have no clue what they actually are. I have a tendency to buy flowers when they're almost dead and marked down to practically nothing. I stick them in the ground and wait for the surprise that happens when they grow.

  21. Such a delicate flower!!!

  22. Thank you for the history of Queen Anne's Lace.

    Yummy-looking cake, by the way.

  23. We usually have lots of Queen Anne's lace growing in our fields, but here up north it will be a while yet before it blooms. Your bouquet looks so lovely.

  24. I used to consider it a weed. Now I will look at it differently!

  25. Hey, you have a cool blog! I like Queen Anne's lace.

  26. what a beautiful flower, I don't think I've ever seen it before!

  27. I love the poem!! It's wonderful! Your bouquet is lovely. You are ahead of us. QA Lace will not show up here until summer.

  28. I love Queens Lace! But we always called it "chigger weed" when I was growing up.

  29. You have displayed the lovely Queen Anne's lace beautifully with the pitcher.

    I just finished reading an historical novel about Queen Anne, The Other Boleyn Girl, by Philippa Gregory. Poor Queen Anne--being married to King Henry and all. the least they could do is name a flower for her!

  30. That looks so pretty - I've always liked Queen Anne's Lace.

  31. I love Queen Anne's lace. It looks so pretty in the vase/jar you have it in! It makes lovely table decor!


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