Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Grace and Emily's Room

I have two special guest bloggers today! My daughters, Grace (9) and Emily (7) would like to show you around their bedroom. Up until a few weeks ago they had bunk beds but they begged asked nicely if Dad would take them apart for hopefully the last time!

Grace says: I like my bunk beds down because I get to sleep by the window. :0)

Emily says: I like having my bunk beds put down because I was getting claustrophobic up on the top bunk.

Grace says: The bedspread on my bed was made by my Grandma for my mom when she was little. My American Girl doll, Molly sits at the head of the bed. The horse pillow was made by my Aunt, Melissa.

Emily says: My mom made my ballerina pillowcase for me and my Aunt Melissa made the knitted rose pillow.

Grace says: I have lots of books and I love to read! One of my favorite books is On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder. My mom and I are reading Jane of Lantern Hill by Lucy Maud Montgomery together.

Emily says: I like to read Biscuit the Dog books and Henry and Mudge books. I like when my mom reads me stories. We are reading The Secret Garden for school.

Emily says: I keep lots of special dolls and toys at the end of my bed. My best friend is Christmas Mouse. She is red and white and I got her in Tennessee when I was 2.

Grace says: This is where I do my art. I like drawing and painting. In history I am learning about the artists, Michaelangelo and Raphael. When I grow up I want to train horses and in my spare time I'll paint.

Grace says: Thank you for looking at my room!

Emily says: Thank you for looking at my bedroom pictures!


  1. Emily & Grace, your room looks beautiful. I hope you enjoy having the bunk bed down. It's always fun to see what ya'll are doing at your house!

  2. Grace and Emily,
    I think your bedrooms are beautiful and I also think you are great room keepers....they looked very neat.....

    I love Queen Ann's Lace. It is so pretty with roses, hydrangeas, larkspur and all kinds of cottage flowers.....


  3. Grace and Emily, your room was seen long distance, here in Brazil, and I love it!

  4. Absolutely beautiful girls! And much cleaner than mine ever was! LOL

  5. Thank you girls for showing us your beautiful room. It is so pretty, you girls should be decorators when you get older. Such pretty beds. God Bless You Girls. Have a nice summer.

  6. Hi Grace and Emily! Seeing your room makes even more ready for a visit. Last time yall were such good hostesses!
    ~Aunt Melissa

  7. Hi Emily and Grace!

    I very much enjoyed reading YOUR post. You have a wonderful (and very tidy) bedroom! My bedroom did not at all look that nice when I was younger!

    Give my regards to your mom!

    Best wishes from Germany!


  8. Grace and Emily, thank you so much for the tour of your beautiful bedroom. I loved hearing about all of your special treasures and also all about your favorite books and what you want to do when you grow up! Susan P.from the state of Virginia:o)

  9. Emily and Grace you have beautiful rooms.
    You have very neat things, and you keep them neat.
    I hope you enjoy not having bunk beds anymore. It is always fun to change up a room.

  10. Adorable rooms. Do they look that neat all the time? :o)

  11. Grace and Emily,
    You girls have a lovely room! You two can come over any time and help Bookworm clean up her bedroom. LOL!

    My two younger girls share a room with bunkbeds, too. I think you'll be even closer sisters as you grow up because you share a room.

    Thank you for the tour!

    Mrs. C

  12. Grace and Emily,
    Your bedroom and all your special treasures are wonderful! It looks like a room that would be just the perfect place to cozy up all the girls for a good reading and relaxing session...and I know at least one girl who would probably love to come and participate...and her mom too! LOL
    Thank you for sharing!
    Hugs from GA,

  13. Hello Grace & Emily:-) I think your room look fabulous and I really love all the special touches you have in there! So many treasures made by your mom and grandma!! The books you have all look so very interesting too! xoxo

  14. Thanks for sharing your daughters bedroom with us. I like it. It is pretty.
    I love the Little House books too. I own the series.

  15. That is so dear that they have the bedspreads made for you! Lovely as usual. Thank you Kelli.

  16. The bedroom pictures are very good. You have a delightful and very feminine bedroom!!! Since your Grandma made the one bedspread for you Mom, where did the matching one come from?

    Thanks for sharing ladies!!!

  17. Wow girls, what a beautiful room, my 8 year old daughter wants one "just like those girls" LOL

    Thanks for sharing :)

  18. Girls, thank you for sharing your bedroom. One of my sisters and I shared a room until I was in high school. We always a hard time getting to sleep because we wanted to keep talking!

  19. What beautiful rooms. I love the beds apart too! How wonderful that you both get to share a room. My sister and I always did and I loved it!

  20. Hi Emily and Grace,
    You have such a nice bedroom. You're going to love having your bunkbeds apart!
    How wonderful you have so many nice books! Reading is such a fun thing to do!!

  21. Such a nice bedroom! Reminds me of when my little sister and I shared a room growing up too! :)

  22. Dear Emily and Grace,
    I love your room. It is very cheerful, and it looks like you take good care of it. I'm glad that you got to take your bunkbeds down. It does make less room to play, bu tit looks so grown up!

  23. Hi Emily and Grace! Thank you for sharing your beautiful room with us. It's lovely!

  24. Wow, Grace and Emily. I love your room. It's beautiful. I'm so impressed by the books you are reading and the things you are learning. I was a teacher for a long time, and I think you 2 are doing a great job. Keep it up. You are extremely fortunate to have a mom and dad who love you enough to give you a beautiful, Christian home and to teach you.

  25. What acute room and what darling girls!

  26. Great post have a darling bedroom!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures with us!!

  27. Grace and Emily, Your room is what all little girls dream of. It is absolutely beautiful. By the way, Jane of Lantern Hill is one of my most favorite books of all time. Did you know that there is a Jane of Lantern Hill movie? I have it and it is very good. You should beg, I mean ask your parents to let you rent it!

  28. The beds look lovely side by side! Your room is so fun and cozy. Thank you for sharing.

  29. Dear Grace and Emily, you have a very nice bedroom. You keep it very nice and neat. I really like your beds.

    Grace, I love the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Lucy Maude Montgomery. In fact, my daughter Emily was named after the book Emily of New Moon written by Lucy Maude Montgomery.

    Emily, The Secret Garden is one of my all time favorite boks. I also really liked the movie on PBS.

    Thank you for sharing your room with us!

  30. Anonymous2:39 PM

    What a pretty room you both have, and you are taking such good care of it, too!! You are already learning to be good little homemakers!! :-)

  31. That was such a sweet post! I love twin beds - they remind me of being little. My younger girls have bunks that we took apart, as well.

    Your girls' rooms are so tidy! I know they love being in there. Thank you for showing us another part of your beautiful home.

  32. Emily and Grace - your room looks fantastic - it is always so neat and tidy? Our daughter's room always looks like something blew up or a toy factory disaster scene, but she is learning to keep things a bit neater! Maybe if she had a sister to share her room with she would learn to put things away! I hope you gave your Daddy a special hug for putting your bunkbeds just the way you wanted them - it can be hard on a Daddy to do all that lifting!
    Thanks for letting us visit your room girls!

  33. Kelli, Grace and Emily's Bedroom is so lovely. Thank you for sharing the photos of there room with us. I know that I can use some of the ideas you have used in there room in our Darling Daughter's Room as well.
    PS. Our Darling Daughter wanted me to Tell Grace and Emilie she loved that they had Bunk Beds. She is begging for Bunk Beds for her room.
    God Bless,

  34. I love your room :o) Thanks so much for sharing!

    Grace, "On the Banks of Plum Creek" is one of my all time favorite books as well! I still love reading those books.

    Emily, the Secret Garden is also a great book. It's one of those that you can read over and over again!

  35. Hi. I popped over here from Corin's blog. Your girls have a very pretty room.

    Emily and Grace, I like your room very much. Thank you for sharing it with us. :)

  36. Kelli---your girls are just too cute--what lovely guest bloggers and there room is just precious!!!


  37. Wow, this is such a precious room. It is just so cute! I sure miss those years gone by when I could decorate my kids rooms...sigh...

  38. I love your rooms, Grace and Emily! Enjoy your beds side by side!! My 2 boys have bunk beds, and I think they are also ready for them to be taken apart! =o)

  39. Grace and Emily, you have such a cheerful room. I love all the pretty little touches you've given it, too. Thank you for the tour! :o)

  40. What a lovely room you share! My sister and I shared a room growing up and we had bunkbeds too - we never took them apart though. My sister told the best stories at bedtime! Thanks for sharing your room with us!

  41. Grace and Emily ~ What pretty rooms! Thank you for sharing your photos. I enjoyed learning about the both of you!

    ~ Christina

  42. Grace and Emily,
    Your room is beautiful! My girls like horses and American Girl dolls also. My oldest daughter is a bit too old for them now but when she was younger she had a Kirsten doll. Thank you for showing us around your room!

  43. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I enjoyed reading about and seeing your beautiful bedroom, Emily and Grace. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
    I am from Tennessee and read your mom's blog everyday.

  44. Emily and Grace,
    How pretty your room is! Thank you for sharing it with me!
    God bless.

  45. Your room is so lovely. I couldn't see the photos the last time I read your blog, all I had was blank outlines, must be this blogger thing. I like the beds the way they are now, they look so beautiful and your collections are so nice, and also very neat!

  46. Grace & Emily, you have a lovely room. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

  47. The girl's rooms are lovely and I'm glad they like art and books..come of the smae books which were my maybe my granddaughter would like them!

  48. Grace and Emily, I can see that you girls and my girls would enjoy eachother's company.
    Hannah loves the American Girls and reading books. She has been reading the Little house on the praire series lately herself.
    Annette loves to read the Angelina Ballerina books. I see an Angelina mouse on one of the beds.
    Very pretty room. So bright and cheery!

  49. Girls,
    You have a lovely room. I'm sure you enjoy it.

    My sister and I shared a room for many years. Sisters are great.

    Thank you for sharing with us.

  50. Hello there, just wanted to say what a lovely Blog you have. Also as I was reading I see your Daughters are Emily and Grace. I have an 11 Daughter and coincidently her name is Emily Grace. Just thought it was cute. Nice to meet you, Jamie

  51. lovely! thanks for the story and the pictures!

  52. I love the room and the way it just glows!

  53. Anonymous9:40 AM

    What a beautiful room! I like the beds down too!

  54. Girls, I love your room and I just showed it to my 9 YO daughter and she thinks it is very pretty too.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.