Sunday, May 13, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007

Did you know that today is National Apron Day? I didn't up until this past Friday but if you've been reading my blog for long you'll know that I'm up for turning any day into a holiday! I can hear Grace now, "What do you mean we have to do school work? It's National Apron Day." ;0)

My friend Tracy, thought it would be fun to share a picture of our favorite apron. I'm going to share two of my favorites today...

First of all, this is the spot in my kitchen where I hang my aprons. The white and pink apron there in the front is my favorite...

This brown with yellow rick-rack apron was made by my Grandma many years ago, for my sister and I. I've been thinking about using it as a pattern to make Grace and Emily one just like it.

So, Happy National Apron Day!

Do you have a favorite apron?


  1. Thanks for sharing, and I love your aprons.


  2. Oh, how wonderful to have an apron your grandmother made for you! And your white/pink apron is so feminine! Happy Apron Day to you - lol! :o)

  3. How neat! I think I will talk about my aprons tomorrow!

  4. What great aprons Kelli! I especially love the one that your gramma made. :)

  5. I love aprons, I now have the ones that were my Moms, but I have been collecting and wearing them for years!!

  6. I don't even own an apron!! But I'm enjoying celebrating Apron Day vicariously through all of you in blogland who do. So special to have one made by your grandmother. Let us see the one's you make like it for your 2 girls.

  7. I love your aprons! The one your grandmother made for you is so cute. I'm sure your girls would enjoy having one made like yours.

  8. Like Susan, I don't have an apron either. Your aprons are pretty!!

  9. The apron I usually use is the apron my husband made in Highschool. Everyone had to take home ec. or what they call "singles living".

  10. I love the cute brown apron, so sweet :-)

  11. I love all of your aprons. I have about 3 or so. I should show pictures of mine too.

  12. It is! I had no idea! Thanks for educating us about National Apron Day! I know my granny always wore one. I don't but have thought many times that I should. I have ruined so many blouses from oil splatters! but apart from that, I like the idea of them, the hominess of them I suppose!

    I think your favorite apron,the pink and white one, is so feminine and pretty. I can see why it is your fave!

  13. Love all your aprons! I'm an apron wearer myself :)

  14. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I loved these, especially the pink floral one!! I am always planning to make myself an apron but haven't done it yet. The only one in my possession is about the same size as your little brown one, made for me by my mom when I was tiny. It's red with little heart shaped pockets trimmed in eyelet lace. Whenever I do make one, it's going to have the same kind of pockets!! :-)

  15. My favorite apron is a bright blue one with an embroidered image of Tweety Bird. It's my favorite because my mom (who has a playful sense of humor) gave that to me as a house warming gift when my husband and I moved in to our first apartment.

    Happy National Apron Day.

  16. Stop back over to my site a little later. I took pictures of my aprons and will post it later on today.

  17. The pink and white one is so pretty! Love the quilting on it! I remember that brown one when we were little. :)

  18. I wore an apron to hang out the wash this morning and I was thinking as I hung out my favourite apron that I should make a clothespeg apron - something more practical than a clothespeg bag or basket - I often forget to bring it in and if it rains the pegs discolour! I'll let you know how it turns out! Have a blessed day - don't eat too many oatmeal cookies - and remember, I'm not responsible for any weight gain or sugar highs!

  19. I love how your aprons look "retro"! So pretty, Kelli!

  20. I love the one that is your favorite too! Thanks for playing along, Kelli!

  21. Great aprons! I don't often wear an apron, but have several from back in the day! I think it is great that the apron is being revived! But, if I start wearing an apron does that mean that I have to starting cooking/baking more?!!:)

    BTW--the cookies look scrumptious--I think I may need one of those aprons after all. My husband loves oatmeal cookies. Think I'll give those a try!

  22. I own one apron. I only wear it when I am making bacon. How sad is that?

    Love the pink flowered one!

  23. I love your aprons. I must confess that I don't have ONE. Maybe one day...

  24. I love aprons. Sadly I only have one but it is very special. It was my grandmothers and it is a Christmas apron but I still wear it all year. I think I need to go search for more aprons to buy! LOL

  25. Oh, what pretty aprons, I can't wait to start on mine, I have a few patterns to start on, well, my mom's teaching me on these, lol.

  26. Your aprons are so pretty! I think it is neat that you have one made by your grandma.

    A school holiday! I didn't think of that! ;)

  27. W elove nintage aprons. My mom and I collected them at flea markets last fall for all the "girls" in our family. Then I gave mom "The Apron Book" by EllynAnne Geisel for Christmas.
    I'm off to try the oatmeal cookie recipe!

  28. Kelli,
    they are all so pretty.

  29. Oh my, that pink and white apron is gorgeous. I love how you having them all hanging there in your kitchen!

  30. I LUV that pink apron! What a great idea to have a quilted apron.

  31. I saw an apron like your favorite once and wanted to buy it! I love it too!

  32. I love your aprons. My favorite apron is a pink one that was a gift to me one Christmas.

    That little apron with rickrack is adorable. Show us pictures if you copy it for your girls.

  33. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The white and pink apron is beautiful--I love the quilted fabric. And that one from your Grandmother is an absolute treasure. And so pretty, too.


  34. Those are cute aprons, so neat to have that one from your grandma!

  35. I like the pink and white quilted apron too but it looks too warm to me today! It's more like a pretty guest bed coverlet that should be folded down at the bottom of the bed to keep it nice. I think I would have a hard time wiping messy hands on the front of that apron!

    My favorite apron memory is of an apron I had as a child made out of a hand towel and have made replicas of for my daughters. I think I will have to post a post-apron day account of our aprons on my blog tomorrow!

    Enjoyed your post.


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