Friday, July 20, 2007

Homemade Basil Pesto

Have you ever had Basil Pesto? It is a simple Italian sauce that brings summery flavor to all sorts of dishes.

For the main ingredient, I headed out to the vegetable garden.

As you can see my basil plants went a little crazy this summer!

Fresh Basil Pesto

1 cup walnuts or pine nuts
Coarse salt and ground pepper
8 cups lightly packed fresh basil leaves, (4 ounces)
2 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup of shredded parmesan cheese

In a food processor, combine nuts, basil, and garlic; season generously with salt and pepper. Process until nuts are finely chopped. With machine running, pour oil in a steady stream through the feed tube; process until smooth. Use immediately.

You can also buy already-made pesto at the grocery store and here are a couple of ways to use it up...

I got this first recipe from my Father-in-law. Take slices of toasted sourdough bread, spread with butter or even better, some roasted garlic.

Spread with pesto and sprinkle with feta cheese. This was *really* good!

Another way to eat pesto is over spaghetti noodles. Grace says it's her very favorite food, she has called it "green spaghetti" since she was three. :0)

Sprinkle with more parmesan cheese and enjoy!

Along with some grilled chicken, this was our Sunday dinner.

Recipe from


  1. i remember the first time i had pesto (and it was on pasta). i fell in love with it. as a young adult and newly on my own, i was invited to a co-workers house for dinner. i felt so grown up. i felt even more so because i was served something i never had in my childhood home. it was delicious. and we eat it often here in my house.

    everything you made yesterday looks absolutely scrumptous. i would have loved to have been there to sample it all.

  2. For a lower fat version, I use vegetable or chicken broth instead of oil. You can thicken it with cornstarch later if you desire. :)

  3. Hi Kelli! I also freeze mine! I make my pesto very thick and store it in small containers. When needed, I just 'cut' a chunk and add it to hot pasta, with some extra olive oil.


  4. I had pesto before on pasta, but never made it, that's quite simple huh? Nice recipe!

  5. Looks mighty tasty! I have always wanted to try this and never have. Thanks for inspiring me to do so!

  6. Oh ~ I'm so glad you posted this. I've been wanting a recipe for this; now I don't have to dig for one! :o)

  7. I love pesto. I just posted a recipe that uses fresh basil. You should go take a lood at it.
    I also planted basil this year. It grows so easy.
    Keep up the good work.

  8. I have not made pesto yet, but love basil, so would like to try this! Your basil looks so beautiful and healthy! Thanks for sharing your cooking ideas.

  9. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Now, this sounds YUMMY to my tummy!
    Bon APETIT!!! (sp?)

  10. I freeze my pesto...leave out the cheese and I pour it in flexible ice cube trays. Once frozen, pop it out and into a freezer bag, whah-lah...pesto anytime you want...just add cheese (and lots of it!)

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted
    (*we homeschool too-come meet us!)

  11. Thank you for the freezing tips! I bought some more nuts and olive oil to make a few more batches this week. :0)


  12. I wish I had grown basil instead of peppermint. I wonder if I could substitute. (lol)

  13. This is great info.! Thank you!


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