Saturday, July 21, 2007

Weekend Bakeathon!!

Good Morning! I normally like to sleep in a little on Saturday mornings, but today I have plans for a "cook/bakeathon!" There are at least five new recipes that I want to share with you, (three of which can be frozen for later) and I thought I would post pictures and recipes throughout the day. I'm going to put on a pot of coffee and get started, but first I have some "bakeathon" tips...

Tip #1

~Make sure you have all the recipe ingredients before you start. I'm hoping for no surprise trips to the grocery store this weekend!

Kitchen Tip #2

~Clean as you go. I usually fill up a sink of hot soapy water so dishes can soak.

Kitchen Tip #3

~Scrub your kitchen floor after your bakeathon, not before. Ooops!

Kitchen Tip #4

~Recruit all the help you can get! :0)

I'll be back soon!


  1. Great tips! Especially the "clean as you go". That's my motto!

  2. Thanks for sharing tips with us.
    I agree it is best to have all ingredients on hand before starting.
    I've had it happen before where I don't have something and have to run out to the store after starting.

    P.S. I always wash my dishes as I'm going I don't have such a big mound.

  3. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Sounds like a fruitful day ahead! looking forward to seeing the results...

  4. My heart is skipping a beat!...A Beatrix Potter cookbook?!!!
    Something to find today!
    Will you be using a recipe from that in your cooking adventure today?

    The blue toile...I have a chair & ottoman covered in that.

  5. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Can't wait to see the rewards!

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I hate those discoveries of a missing needed ingredient right in the middle of baking! I don't always remember to check the things we "always" have on hand, like vanilla and baking soda. But it's good to check before baking!

    And my floors are always a mess afterward, too. :-)

    Have a great day!

  7. Hi Kelly--I didn't realize until now that you are a fellow Canadian! woohoo!! looks like you guys are having a busy day baking today. It sounds exciting.. I have never done that! Just planned a day dedicated to baking.. I'll have to do that. Well right after I finish painting...I'm doing the kitchen today..and I love the colour, so can hardly wait to finish! happy baking!!

  8. You got me all energized and excited. I made banana pancakes this morning. I posted them on my blog. They were wonderful. You got me in the mood to do some baking. Maybe you will start a trend??

  9. i guess i don't like baking as much as you (and others). the only time i would consider baking 5 different recipes would be christmas during cookie making day. but it's usually 3 max.

    i'll be looking forward to view all the delectable yummies. have fun.

  10. I'm learning the "clean as you go" motto from the flylady...finally!! It really does help. Thanks for your post! Also, I wanted to let you know I have returned to blogville with a new name and address. You can now visit me at: I will be back for a visit and to catch up on reading postings made during my recent sabbatical. Blessings, Diane

  11. I'm going to try the muffins soon. I love lemon and blueberry together.

  12. Fun and informative post. I'm a clean as you go person too. To me it's so much easier. Will be eager to see your "results".

  13. Hope your baking day went well--looks like you have some very yummy recipes to prepare. :)

  14. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I made cookies :) My kids and hubby have been giving me hints all this past week, and with our weather being a lil cooler and over cast today I couldnt resist. and then seeing your post only made the task even more inviting!

  15. Oooo! How's it going? It would have been a good day for that here - we've had nothing but rain all day, but I didn't know and didn't plan for it. I know it is great fun - and hard work - to do a bakeathon - but the rewards are going to be tremendous! Can't wait to see all of your results!

  16. Woo-hoooooo!!!! Go Kelli, go! Everything looks great so far!

  17. This has been so much fun! What a neat treat you have given us this Saturday! :-)

  18. Love the tips. I'd like to be on the receiving end of your efforts. What a blessed family you have!! =o) Everything looks really yummy.

  19. Something is in the air here in Texas, Kelli! I did a bunch of baking, too. :) Your goodies sound so yummy and I bet your kitchen smelled wonderful!

  20. Is that the new dress that your daughter is wearing? Very cute.

  21. I only took a break for one day so how come I missed so many posts??? lol Oh yummmm, you sure have been busy in the kitchen and everything looks so good! A few bloggers have now posted recipes for zucchini so as soon as mine are ready I'll be trying them out..I am forever on the lookout for zucchini recipes!! The kitchen tips are ones I use all the time, especially washing the dishes as I go along:-) xoxo

  22. Hi Kelli! great job on your baking day - and thanks for the recipes!

    I love to do a bakeathon usually on Tuesday morning at our house - it is so fun and productive! I also like to do a 'once a month cooking day' and fill the freezer with main dishes that can be easily thawed and enjoyed. I have done the recipes from the 'once a month cooking' cook book with a friend in our church kitchen and we were able to make 180 servings of main dish meals in one day! We felt like supermom!

  23. Wouldn't it be great to have those elves cleaning up like they have on ~the food little trio of helpers would be my 3 cats!
    Bake away! hugs NG

  24. I love your tips - especially about enlisting help! I always clean as I go - but unfortunately, I'm not so good at checking my ingredients first - well, I try, but I always manage to miss something. It does get frustrating - at least I can call my mom or my neighbors - or make it the next day...

    The muffins look delicious - I just made orange muffins (from pioneer woman) yesterday and they are delicious!

  25. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Hope that you had a GREAT and WONDERFUL time creating MANY memories!
    ~In Him,

  26. Wow, you were so ambitious! :-) And in Summer tooooo.



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