Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

My bakeathon is over and I have the dirty dishes to prove it! Apparently I don't always follow my own "clean as you go" advice. ;0)

I'm off to wash the last few mixing bowls and the kitchen floor.

I have posted a few more recipes, right below my "bakeathon" post. Let me know if you try them!


  1. Gimme a plate of all that wonderful food and I'll go help you with the dishes afterwards! hehe From the pesto to the spaghetti, it all looks so yummy and you can be sure I'm printing out the recipes:-) xox

  2. Kelli, Kelli! I want a muffin!

  3. Well good grief Kelli, you posted such wonderful recipes I can't wait to try them all....YUMMY, and please pass me a muffin. :)

    Hope you're having a wonderful day,

  4. Wow, Kelli, I think your kitchen looks really good considering how much you've cooked in it!

    I scrolled down through the recipes you gave us and I am literally drooling a little. They all sound SO good. I can't wait to try those zucchini muffins. I love chocolate in any way, shape or form.

  5. Kelli, I wanted to let you know your The Winner. Please email me at with you address so I can ship out your planter.

  6. Everything looks wonderful Kelli!

    Do you know that you were the making of a mystery?! Yes, I visited here yesterday and I lost you because I left so quickly to order the Beatrix Potter Cooking Book and didn't bookmark your blog. I searched and searched trying to find you again. Finally, I put up a plea for help on my blog and lo and behold!...someone recognized who I was looking for and here I am! LOL! I love a good mystery!

    "LBP Sews" is the blogger who found her a visit!

  7. Yum-I haven't had pesto for a long time. And I know what to do with my surplus zucchini. I think I just gained 5 pounds looking at the photos.

  8. I can neither cook nor bake. Sigh.

    Can I come over and help you eat all the goodies? :o)

    (The Woman is now The Chicken)

  9. We made the blueberry lemon muffins for breakfast this morning. They were fantastic. The lemon extract made them so good! I'm glad I have it on hand now for icing, and whatever else I can add it to.

  10. Oh, and to Gena's comment, at Whole Foods I had a sample of Chocalate Torilla chips! You should try those for a unique form of chocolate! :)

  11. Your kitchen does not look bad after all that cooking! I would go and help out if I lived closer. :-)

  12. LOL ~ been there!

  13. I love baking but I HATE cleanup afterwards!! I can't wait til I have a new full freezer to make up lots of things ahead of time. Right now I am limited to space. Good job and everything looks yummy!! -kriss

  14. OM gosh..every time I look at your recipes and delicious food pictures, I get heartburn. It all looks so wonderful...but you are not helping at all with my diet!! ha ha

  15. Kelli, congratulations on your bakeathon! Looks like a great time and delicious recipes! I have to try those muffins!

  16. Anonymous7:06 PM

    So much FUN!
    Cooking, that is. Dishes, ahhhhh!

  17. Holy Cow! You are some kitchen queen. I just took a look at some of the yummy recipes. I can't wait to try them.

  18. It's nice to see that you are just like us and have a mess to clean up! I am always encouraged by pictures of other's messes. ;-)

  19. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Wow, so many wonderful, yummy things!!! Great job, Kelli!

  20. I bet it was good!!!


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