Friday, July 20, 2007

Sausage Zucchini Boats

When my friend, Tracy posted this Sausage Zucchini Boats recipe I new I had to try it. It was very quick and easy to put together and delicious! Tracy has lots of wonderful recipes in her blog sidebar so be sure to visit her!

Sausage Zucchini Boats

3 medium zucchini
1 pound bulk sausage (I didn't have sausage on hand so I cooked some ground turkey and added taco seasoning to it.)
2 eggs, beaten
2 c. cheddar cheese
1 Tbsp. mustard
Bread crumbs

Brown sausage. Drain grease. Run cooked sausage through the food processor to crumble finely. Place in a bowl. Add eggs, cheddar cheese, and mustard. Mix well.

Slice the zucchini, lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Try not to break your zucchini in half like I did. :0)

Spoon sausage mixture into the zucchini boats. Place the boats in a greased baking dish. Sprinkle with bread crumbs.

Bake at 350 F for 40 minutes, until zucchini is tender. Sprinkle a little more cheese on top, and bake 5 minutes more.

Thank you for the recipe, Tracy! I will definitely be making them again!

Recipe reprinted with permission.


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    wow - thanks for posting this - I had been just asking for Zucchini recipes at my blog last week as we're having a glut of them - that recipe looks great - I'm going to try it.

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    That looks so good. My group isn't much on zucchini except in breads and cakes, but I wonder if they'd give this a chance.

  3. This looks great!!! How fun is this!?! What a great idea!

  4. These looks delicious. I'm going to have to try these too.

  5. One can never have enough zucchini recipes this time of year-I'm definitely going to try this recipe.

  6. these look delicious!!I'll have to give them a try too!

  7. Hi Kelli, my husband likes this type of zucchini so much, I will try your recipe! Have you had a chance to check my food blog? It's called From our home to yours - recipes. I have a homemade bread crumb recipe there.

  8. I love zucchini! Our little zucchini plant has produced a total of one zucchini this summer! It was good! I will have to buy some and make this.


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