Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"After Summer" Routines

We are slowly getting back into our regular routine around here. We have been finishing most of our schoolwork in the mornings and the girls and Benjamin are getting used to their earlier bedtime. It is dark by 8:00pm now!

Here is my new handsome Cub Scout after getting a haircut and his uniform. I heard a rumor that this week's assignment is to clean out the van. If that's the case, I'm liking this scout thing already. ;0)

The girls and I went to the mall last night and picked up some candle tarts. Pumpkin pie, Cider Donuts, Autumn Leaves and Frosted Pumpkin. Are you hungry now?

My autumn wreath is on the front door.

This tealight lantern is my favorite fall decoration. My sister Melissa gave it to me a few years ago.

I've even squeezed in a little time for embroidering.

Are you settling in to an "after summer" routine too?


  1. I'm ready to make some change around the house for fall - but it doesn't feel like 'after summer' here yet. A storm came through today that is supposed to give us cooler temps and less humidity. I'm hoping to finally open the windows again!

  2. It doesn't feel like fall here yet. I love decorating for each season though, so perhaps in a couple of weeks. Those tart fragrances must smell yummy!

  3. That reminds me that I need to get a new candle for fall! We are slowly slipping into the new routine around here, had our first cub scout meeting of the year tonight too.

  4. Anonymous11:25 PM

    handsome Cub Scout

    I like the candles

  5. I love your fall decorations. What are you embroidering? We have been burning pumpkin spice and grandma's apple pie in our tart burner. We have slowly been decorating for fall too.

    Love, Heather

  6. Hmmmmm....I would like the scouting thing too! :)

    That is a lovely tart warmer you have there. I love Yankee candles. Most of them smell like you could just scoop it up and eat it! MMMMM.....

    Doesn't feel too much like fall around here, either, but I did manage to purchase a small pumpkin for a little added decor. Maybe I'll get a wreath up soon........

  7. we also had a weather front go through. it's starting to feel like fall here for which i'm glad.

    i don't decorate much anymore. i did a lot more when my kids were young. but i do collect snowmen and will start putting them out when we get more into winter and have snow. i can't wait to share some of them for show & tell.

  8. Hmm I love my little lemon tree too...he's got almost 4 little lemons and there are still some more to come!
    I've seen on your pictures that you use the trts from Yankee Candle. Aren't they great??!! I love especially the smell of choclat cookie and buttercream...well almost all of them but tese two are special. my friends in the states are sending me tarts and candles cause yxou don't get them here in Germany...wht shame!!

    Hve a wonderful day, hugs, Britta

  9. I love your lantern. It gives such a nice and cozy look. And the candles, too.

  10. I love the tea light lantern! And your pumpkin candles tarts are very festive. Fall is in the air around here too. Your little boy is very handsome :)

  11. everything is beautiful - love the acorns embroidery. I'm anxious to switch over to fall decor, but the whole house needs a big time deep cleaning first. That's not quite so much fun! We are getting our school year on a roll (homeschooling 9th, 7th, and 5th grade girls). Hmmm, maybe cleaning and decorating could count as home ec or something. Thanks for the inspiration.

  12. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Im not there yet.Im working it though.I think my heart is there if that makes sense.It has been a busy time here,but I love your things and Im ready to get all ready here.

  13. I'm so ready for fall, I put my fall wreath and flag out front 2 days ago. I love those candle tarts, I was just smelling them the other day, I really do need some fall scents around here!

  14. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I'm still adjusting to being home after working for so many years. I'm loving it, but finding new challenges in my discipline to stay focused. There is so much to do, and much of it is fun. I like the fun stuff and put off the work :) That can get me into trouble :0

    Benjamin is quite the gentleman. I have always loved a man in a uniform.

    And I will have to go buy some new tarts. I think I only have one that is fall-like. I did buy a nice pumpkin candle at W*lmart at Karen's (Kindred Haven) suggestion. It smells really good too.

  15. Kelli, I need to do a fall wreath for our door--we do not have one, and it would add a nice touch. Yours is lovely.

    And your scout looks ready to go--we have two cub scouts in our home--one webelo and one bear, and are gearing up for meetings starting this week.


  16. Benjamin looks so handsome all decked out! I can smell the tarts from here. :) Everything looks so nice!

  17. Kelli - beautiful as always! The pics have inspired me to do a little fall decorating as well. :-)

  18. We are getting back into things as well. This was the first night we closed our windows at bedtime and I was not too hot. We went to our ice cream social for co-op last night. Co-op is the last thing to start for us. Then we will be a full throttle. I love your little scout's picture!

  19. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Man... Can I come over to your house!? It just looks sooooo inviting and homey!
    And, what a handsome fellow you have!

  20. I really want to get all of my fall decorations out now after seeing yours!

  21. Anonymous11:16 AM

    My after summer routine is not pouring down with sweat when I step outside. No, no, wait, I'm still freaking HOT! What happened to cooler Septembers?

  22. Your cub scout looks so cute or should I say handsome? Will rolls his eyes at me when I use the term cute now :-D

    Ooooo, perty, perty fall decorations, it will be a couple more weeks before my mom will let us bring out ours so I am enjoying yours while I wait. I can almost smell your tart warmer now!

  23. Your Fall touches look lovely!

    It's been feeling crisp and cool at my house too so I'm getting into the mood. (o:


  24. There's just something about a man in uniform! Tell Benjamin he's the cutest!

  25. There's just something about a man in uniform! Tell Benjamin he's the cutest!

  26. He's so cute I said it twice. lol
    Something seems to not be working right.

  27. Those candle frangrances sound devine.

  28. Love your warmer and there is nothing better than the Yankee candle aromas

  29. We are trying to, slowly but surely. It is still so hot here - we went swimming for the last time this afternoon. It is supposed to get much cooler by the weekend.

    Your little cub scout is a doll. I love all of your fall decorations. I will try to post mine by the weekend.

    Have a happy Thursday.

    P.S. I absolutely love all the YC scents you picked. I have some of the same!

  30. Oh my Dear, I simply don't know how you do all that you do! And you do it all, beautifully too. I love it!


  31. Oh and, if you *need* someone else to write snail mail to... I have an idea for you. :-)))) In this entry. {I know you love to do snail-mail, and that's why I said this.}

    I've heard mil say, that to hear of the simple things one is doing at home, back home, is almost a dream world for them to visit, for a couple of minutes. And a reminder of the reason they are doing, what they are doing. They know they are insuring that our peaceful life can go on, at home. :-)


  32. Anonymous6:25 PM

    It doesn's seem like fall in the desert, but I LOVE the fall season. Recently we've been moving every couple of years, but I used to craft quite a bit and had my own home biz. I appreciate what you are doing on the net :)

  33. y, you are getting ready. Handsome Cub ya have and love the Fall flavored tarts. Fall is my favorite of all seasons. I haven't done embroidery for some time..but just taught Miss bri a couple of nights ago. Have a great remainder of the week.


  34. Your fall decor is absolutely inviting. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  35. Next week...unless I get super motivated tomorrow!

    I love the wreath you have on your door. I have a 25% off coupon for Michael's. I think I just found my project!

    Frosted Pumpkin is my new favorite Yankee Candle fragrance...it is a little spicy and leaves a nice lingering aroma.

  36. I enjoy the arrival of FALL as I love all the colors and the crispness in the air. Fall has definitely arrived here. We had a low of 38 degrees last night and a high of 65 degrees today. Leaves are already falling and the farmers are harvesting their corn and soybean fields. Tis the time for allergies, as well. lol. I am just waiting for the leaves to really start changing colors here in a couple of weeks so I can get some great photos!! :)

  37. Kelli, you're looking very Fall-ish around here today! Very pretty decorations! And that's the handsomest cubscout I've ever seen!

  38. What a very handsome cub scout you have there:-) I so love your Autumn decorations....I need to get some new candles also, I'll see if they have similar ones to yours! It gets so cold at night now, it certainly does feel like Autumn...I love it:-) xox

  39. You have one handsome Cub Scout...
    and your fall decorations make me want to change my decorations

  40. Fall is coming!! I am so very excited! It's cooled down a smidge in the early mornings, but our days are still quite hot. Sigh. Not for much longer, though!!! :)

    I really love all your decorations and need to get to Yankee Candle soon to smell all those wonderful candles! YUM!

    Mrs. U

  41. What a cute scout you have there!! I love your candles.

  42. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Looks beautiful! I have a lantern that I love too.

  43. I have put a few autumn decorations out--Actually a little earlier than I usually do. Just go in the mood to make a few little changes.

    We are having somewhat cooler temps now after that searing HOT August and early September. I thinkt he forcast has the highs staying in the 80s and maybe even dipping to the 70s this week. Definitely a little hint of coller days on the way!

    yes, I'd say summer is just a memory!

  44. oh yes... I have been working on my Fall cleaning for two days now. Unfortunately, today I got sidetracked when I had a whim to paint our dining room table. (It was a hand-me-down from Rich's parents, and had all kinds of paint spatters and childhood markings on it.) I'm excited about it's fresh new look. Hopefully, I'll be posting pictures tomorrow with the finished product....

    but anyway, I can't wait to get all of my fall decorations out ~~ I'm ready for the cool crisp Autumn Days!

  45. Loving your blog and loving your magazine. I posted about it on my little blog. I want to decorate now too. It is actually a bit cooler here today... I opened a banana nut bread candle... so I am on my way!! lol

  46. Yes! We just finally had some rain on Tuesday and the weather seems to be slowly rolling in as "Fallish" now. It is cool in the mornings and although the leaves aren't actively changing color, we did notice last night in bed that they are just a bit thinner. (We notice that because our neighbor has a big halogen light in his backyard that shines into ours. We call it his 'moon'. And try to make the best of it!)

    I am loving fresh apples and getting a hankering for some apple pie--or pumpkin! I am also looking forward to cool enough days so that I can start making some of my favorite foods to cook, casseroles, pot roast, soups, chili--that sort of thing that nobody wants in the summer when it's 90+ degrees out!

    I am also looking forward to setting out the candles again.

  47. Weather in the NW is really starting to act like fall. The smell of the air is different & the morning fog has made a few appearances. Enjoy seeing your decorations. Thanks for sharing!!

  48. Oh....I have a fond affection for yankee candles! The tart warmer looks beautiful, fall themed. Here in the uk we are limited to what we can get our hands on, but ill keep an eye out for it! I love the sound of frosted pumpkin! yum,

    Priscilla x

  49. Kelli,
    I often lurk around here, I think I have commented once or twice, I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your blog! I downloaded your Seasonal Delights and I love it! THanks so much for taking the time to do this!
    Love this song!

  50. Your Cub Scout is certainly a handsome fellow!
    This is a lovely post Kelli, and evokes autumn in a very nice way. I'm starting to feel the need to do a lot of cleaning and organizing in preparation for the cozier seasons coming up. Sort of like spring cleaning in a way. I like to be able to just relax and enjoy the quieter pleasures that come when life is centered more indoors.
    Take care.

  51. I'am ready for my fall decorations to come down....maybe Scott will get them down for me this weekend.....I need to get the summer wreath down..

  52. Your fall decorations look wonderful..mine will go up soon...my husband is doing some painting for me...so it will wait...no problem...your autumn touches are lovely.


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